fbpx Post-doc researcher (Assistant professor) job offer in the NCN research project | Faculty of Chemistry

Post-doc researcher (Assistant professor) job offer in the NCN research project

With the consent of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk
a recruitment procedure for
the Post-doc (Assistant professor) position is open
in the Laboratory of Environmental Chemoinformatics

within the Department of Environmental Chemistry and Radiochemistry (Faculty of Chemistry)


  1. Research area:

The person employed on the Post-doc position will carry out the tasks of scientific research as part of the project titled: „Modeling key structural features of engineered nanoparticles determining their environmental release and transport - FateNANO", financed by Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN, eng. National Science Centre).

The project’s main objective is addressing the question: which structural features of ENM nanoforms are responsible for determining their release, environmental transport and fate and thus human and environmental exposure? The crucial parameters determining environmental ENM transformations and fate such as dissolution and agglomeration will be identified by developing a quantitative nanostructure-property relationship (nano-QSPR) modeling, which will permit to link structural features of the primary ENM with their properties after environmental transformations. To identify the nanoforms released to the environment from nano-products, a form-specific release model based on material flow analysis (MFA) will be developed. This new model will also incorporate the particle size distribution of the released ENM. The complete information provided by the new release model will enable a full coupling of MFA and environmental fate modeling (EFM), for which information on the particle form and size distribution is crucial input for predicting environmental fate of ENM.

  1. The scope of work:

The Post-doc will be responsible for:

  • supervising PhD Student while developing MFA models that consider nanoform-specific input

  • together with two PhD Students, under the supervision of PI:

  1. will be integrating nano-QSPRs and MFAs with EFM models

  2. will be performing predictions of environmental transport and fate of representative nanoforms from 7 groups of ENMs (carbon nanotubes, polymer nanoforms and nanoplastics, Ag, TiO2, SiO2, ZnO, CeO2).

  • All team members will be involved in data collection and evaluation, grouping and models integration.

  • Beside above mentioned, the Post-doc will also be responsible for presenting obtained research results writing scientific publications as well as participating in the international conferences.

  1. Requirements:

Post-doc should have a PhD in chemistry, physics, biology, materials science or life sciences, obtained not earlier than 7 years before the year of employment in the project, taking into account the breaks specified in the definition of a post-doc type position contained in the NCN Regulations (this period may be extended by the time spent in it for long-term /over 90 days/ documented sickness leaves or rehabilitation benefits due to incapacity for work; in addition to this period, the number of months on leave related to care and bringing up children can be added, provided on the terms specified in the Labor Code, and in the case of women, by 18 months for each child born or adopted, if this way of identifying breaks in a research career is more beneficial), and demonstrate:

  • a strong background in transport and fate modeling for nanomaterials

  • practical knowledge in the use of computational methods for human and environmental risk assessment of novel chemicals

  • experience in performing research proved by published high quality research papers

  • excellent command of written and spoken English language

  • high level skills in scientific writing

  • analytical thinking

  • skills and motivation for fast learning of new methods, including the development of new predictive models for risk assessment of engineered nanoparticles

  • strong motivation to develop personal research carrier

  • self-reliance and creativity

  • organizational skills.

  1. Additional requirements based on the Polish National Centre of Science’s Regulations:

  • the doctoral degree has not been awarded by the University of Gdansk;

  • during the period of receiving this remuneration, the Post-doc will not receive any other remuneration from the funds allocated as direct costs from research projects funded under NCN calls;

  • during the period of receiving this remuneration, the Post-doc will not receive remuneration from another employer on the basis of an employment contract, including an employer based outside Poland.

  1. We offer:

  • full-time employment contract initially for 12 months, with the possibility to be extended until the end of September 2025

  • work in the modern, well-equipped computer laboratory, in the largest university campus in northern Poland, in the multicultural team of young and enthusiastic researchers

  • annual leave allocation: 36 working days

  • salary: in the range of 6’500-7’700 PLN (gross) depending on the candidate’s qualification and research experience.

  1. Required documents:

Candidates should send the following documents (PDF format or scan) on the e-mail address: katarzyna.dembowska@ug.edu.pl by February 28th, 2022, with the subject of the message:
"Post-doc – FateNANO":

  • Curriculum Vitae including information about completed studies, scientific achievements to date
    (list of scientific and didactic achievements, participation in conferences as well as research projects, awards, distinctions, etc.)

  • a copy of the master’s degree diploma as well as copy of the diploma of obtaining a doctoral degree

  • an opinion of the dissertation supervisor or opinion from the current place of work

  • documents confirming other required skills and qualifications (i.e., foreign language certificate)

  • consent to the processing of personal data necessary for the recruitment process *.


* Due to the GDPR, please complete and sign the attached information clause and include your consent to the processing of personal data on the documents.


Deadline for submitting applications : expires on 28.02.2022

The settlement date : expires on 15.03.2022

The employment period : April 2022 – March 2023/September 2025


The selected candidates will be invited by the Recruitment Committee for an interview (in person or online).

The selected candidates will be notified individually by e-mail about the date, place and form of the interview.

In the event that none of the candidates meet the required criteria, we reserve the right to leave the competition unresolved.

The University does not provide accommodation, however, subject to availability, support may be provided to allocate a room in the assistants’ hotel.



Information clause

In accordance with the general regulation of 27 April 2016 on the protection of personal data, hereinafter referred to as GDPR, we wish to inform you that:


  1. The Administrator of your personal data is the University of Gdańsk, with its seat at (80-309) Gdańsk, ul. Jana Bażyńskiego 8.

  2. The Administrator has appointed a Data Protection Officer who may be contacted on the following telephone number: (58) 523 24 59 or e-mail address: poin@ug.edu.pl.

  3. Your personal data shall be processed for the purposes of the recruitment process for the position indicated above in the offer’s description.

  4. The legal basis for processing your personal data for the purposes of recruitment shall be Article 6 Section 1 Point c of the GDPR, with processing being necessary for the fulfilment of a legal obligation to which the Administrator is subject, particularly Article 118a of the Law on Higher Education as well as Article 221 of the Labour Code. The condition legalising the processing of personal data provided voluntarily by the candidate, which is beyond the scope of data referred to in Article 221 of the Labour Code, shall be Article 6 Section 1 Point a of the GDPR – consent by the data subject.

  5. Providing your personal data, subsequent to the decision to enter the recruitment process, is obligatory within the scope defined by Article 221 of the Labour Code and the Law on Higher Education and determines the possibility of applying for work as well as possible further employment. In the case of personal data which is beyond the scope of the aforementioned legal regulations, providing your data is voluntary but it does determine the possibility of participating in the recruitment process.

  6. Your personal data shall be processed on behalf of the data administrator by authorised personnel purely for the purposes referred to in Point 3.

  7. Your personal data shall be stored for a period of time necessary for the fulfilment of the aims referred to in Point 3. Should the recruitment outcome prove negative, your data shall be removed immediately at the completion of recruitment, unless otherwise provided by the record-keeping regulations ─ then for a period of time specified in these regulations.

  8. Your personal data shall not be shared with external entities with the exception of cases provided for by legal regulations. Should you submit your application documents in electronic form, the recipient of your data may be an entity acting on behalf of the administrator i.e. a mail service operator.

  9. Under the terms of the GDPR, you shall be entitled to:

    1. the right to access your data,

    2. the right to rectify it if factually incorrect,

    3. the right to remove or restrict the processing of the data as well as the right to data portability
      – in cases prescribed by the law,

    4. the right to object to the processing of the data,

    5. the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority – the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, should you consider that the processing of your personal data violates personal data protection regulations,

    6. the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.


Date and signature of the candidate

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Last modified by: Andrzej Nowacki
Created by: Andrzej Nowacki
Last modified: 
2022, January 13 - 1:48pm