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2019, December 3 - 11:37pm

Interfaculty Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Studies Chemistry with Physics (CHEMFIZ) conducted in the University of Gdansk.


The aim of Interfaculty Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Studies Chemistry and Physics conducted in the University of Gdansk is the development of competencies essential to conducting scientific research in the fields of science, Chemistry and Physics. The precise goal is to gain an advanced knowledge concerning mentioned areas, advanced skills connected with conducting scientific research and social competences preparing to be a scientist. Fulfilling this goal is based on two basic activities of the Ph.D. students:

  • attending the courses conducted by specialized scientific staff (lecturers from Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics, and invited speakers from other facilities also from abroad),
  • conducting scientific research (Ph.D. projects) under supervision of specialists from Faculty of Chemistry and Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics in research teams from both faculties (or other units under the terms of scientific cooperation). It ends with the preparation of the Ph.D. thesis.