Faculty of Chemisty Publications in 2004
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2015, April 3 - 10:02amPublikacje Wydziału Chemii w roku 2004
- Szafranek B., Waligóra D., Synak E., Szafranek J., Nawrot D., Wpływ frakcji wosków powierzchniowych liści ziemniaka na żerowanie larw stonki ziemniaczanej. Progress in Plant Protection/Postępy w Ochronie Roślin, vol. 44, 2, 1143-1146, ISSN 1427-4337 (2004).
- Szafranek B., Synak E., Szafranek J., Separations of epicuticular waxes from potato leaves and bean seeds by high performance liquid chromatography using light-scattering detector, Herba Polonica, 3-4, w druku ISSN 0018-0599 (2004).
- Strumińska D.I., Skwarzec B., Plutonium concentrations in waters from the southern Baltic Sea and their distribution in the cod skin and gills, J.Environ.Radioactivity, 73(3), 355-361, (2004).
- Skwarzec B., Strumińska D.I., Boryło A., Falandysz J., Intake of radionuclides of 210Po, 234U and 238U with beer in Poland, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 261(3), 661-663 (2004).
- Skwarzec B., Boryło A., Strumińska D.I., Activity disequilibrium between 234U and 238U isotopes in southern Baltic, Water, Air and Soil Pollut., 159(1), 165-173 (2004).
- Boryło A., Skwarzec B., Strumińska D.I., Fabisiak J., Analityka skażeń promieniotwórczych radionuklidów polonu (210Po), uranu (234U, 235U, 238U) oraz plutonu (238Pu, 239+240Pu) w środowisku przyrodniczym, Biuletyn Informacyjny WICHiR 1/34/08/2004, 151-154 (2004).
- Skwarzec B., Fabisiak J., Wykorzystanie spektrometrii alfa do oceny zagrożenia środowiska przyrodniczego radiotoksycznymi izotopami alfa promieniotwórczymi, Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Oficerskiej, Wrocław, (2004).
- Klaudel L., Łęgowska A., Brzozowski K., Silberring J., Wójcik J., Rolka K., Solution Conformational Study of Nociceptin and its 1-13 and 1-11 Fragments Using Circular Dichroism and Two-dimensional NMR in Conjuncjon with Theoretical Conformational Ananlysis, J. Pept. Sci., 10, 000 (2004).
- Zabłotna E., Dysasz H., Lesner A., Jaśkiewicz A., Kaźmierczak K., Miecznikowska H., Rolka K., A Simple Method for Selection of Trypsin Chromogenic Substrates Using Combinatorial Chemistry Approach, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 319, 185-188 (2004).
- Valensin D., Łuczkowski M., Mancini F. M., Łęgowska A., Gaggelli E., Valnsin G., Rolka K., Kozłowski H., The dimeric and tetrameric Octarepeat Fragments of Prion Protein Behave Differentl to Its Monomeric Unit, J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans., 1284-1293 (2004).
- Mucha P., Szyk A., Rekowski P., Agris P., Sequence Altered Peptide Optimum Conformation for Modification-Dependent Binding of the Yeast tRNAPhe Anticodon Domain, J. Protein Chem., 23, 33-38 (2004).
- Mucha P., Szyk A., Rekowski P., Barciszewski J., Capillary Electrophoresis Analysis of RNA-Peptide Stability in Human Blood Plasma, Chemia Analityczna (Warsaw), 49, 1-9 (2004).
- Korolkiewicz R.P., Sein-Anand J., Ruczyński J., Rekowski P., Bieniaszewski L., Chodorowski Z., Petrusewicz J., Ujda M., Dąbkowski. J., Bitel M., Kato S., Takeuchi K., The Role of Interactions of Nitric Oxide (NO), Carbon Monooxide (CO), and Prostanoides in the Pathogenesis Ileus in Rats, J. Gastrointest. Surg., 8, 346-357 (2004).
- Koval'chuk E.P., Kozlovs'ka Z.E., Jackowska K., Roshal A., Wróblewska A., Reshetnyak O.V., Błażejowski J., Cyclic voltammetry and electronic absorption spectroscopy in investigations of the nature of the electrochemical reduction of phenyldiazonium and phenyl-bis-diazonium cations, Pol. J. Chem., 78, 139-147 (2004).
- Wróblewska A., Huta O.M., Patsay I.O., Petryshyn R.S., Błażejowski J., Addition of nucleophiles to the 9-cyano-10-methylacridinium cation: utilization in their chemiluminescent assay, Anal. Chim. Acta, 507, 229-236 (2004).
- Wróblewska A., Huta O.M., Midyanyj S.V., Patsay I.O., Rak J., Błażejowski J., Origin of chemiluminescence accompanying the reaction of the 9-cyano-10-methylacridinium cation with hydrogen peroxide, J. Org. Chem., 69, 1607-1614 (2004).
- Wróblewska A., Meszko J., Krzymiński K., Ebead Y., Błażejowski J., Tautomerism of 9-acridinamines substituted at the exocyclic nitrogen atom in view of computational predictions and experimental findings, Chem. Phys., 303, 301-308 (2004).
- Pivovarenko V.G., Wróblewska A., Błażejowski J., The effect of hydrogen bonding interactions between 2-[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]-3-hydroxy-4H-chromene-4-one in the ground and excited states and dimethylsulfoxide or methanol on electronic absorption and emission transitions, J. Mol. Struct., 708, 175-181 (2004).
- Janiak T., Błażejowski J., Kinetics of 10% Pd/C-catalysed hydrogenolysis of chlorobenzene dissolved in n-heptane by gaseous hydrogen in contact with aqueous NaOH or water, Appl. Catal. A: General 271, 103-108 (2004).
- Dąbrowska A., Sikorski A., Jacewicz D., Chmurzyński L., X-ray and conformational analysis of methyl 3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-α-D-arabino-hexopyranoside, Carbohydr. Res., 339, 1195-1199 (2004).
- Jasionowski M., Krzymiński K., Chrisler W., Markille L.M., Morris J., Gutowska A., Thermally-reversible gel for 3-D cell culture of chondrocytes, J. Mat. Sci.: Mater. Med., 15, 575-582 (2004).
- Chambers S.A., Droubay T., Kaspar T.C., Gutowski M., van Schilfgaarde M., Accurate Valence Band Maximum Determination for SrTiO3(001). Surf. Sci., 554, 81-89 (2004).
- Wróblewska A., Huta O.M., Patsay I.O., Petryshyn R.S., Błażejowski J., Addition of nucleophiles to the 9-cyano-10-methylacridinium cation: utilization in their chemiluminescent assay, Anal. Chim. Acta, 507, 233-240 (2004).
- Dąbkowska I., Rak J., Gutowski M., Nilles J. M., Radisic D., Bowen K.H., Jr, Barrier-Free Intermolecular Proton Transfer Induced by Excess Electron Attachment in the Complex of Alanine with Uracil, J. Chem. Phys., 120, 6064-6071 (2004).
- Dąbkowska I., Rak J., Gutowski M., Radisic D., Stokes S.T.,. Nilles J.M,. Bowen K.H, Jr, Barrier-Free Proton Transfer in Anionic Complex of Thymine with Glycine, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 6, 4351-4357 (2004).
- Koval'chuk E.P., Kozlovs'ka Z.E., Jackowska K., Roshal A.D., Wróblewska A., Reshetnyak O.V., Błażejowski J., Cyclic voltammetry and electronic absorption spectroscopy in investigations of the nature of electrochemical reduction of phenyldiazonium and phenyl-bis-diazonium cations, Pol. J. Chem., 78, 139-147 (2004).
- Harańczyk M., Rak. J., Gutowski M., Radisic D., Stokes S.T., Nilles J.M., and Bowen K.H., Jr., Effect of Hydrogen Bonding on Barrier-Free Proton Transfer in Anionic Complexes of Uracil with Weak Acids: (U...HCN)- versus (U...H2S)-, Israel Journal of Chemistry, 44, 157-170 (2004).
- Harańczyk M., Dąbkowska I., Rak J., Gutowski M., Nilles J.M., Stokes S.T., Radisic D., Bowen K.H., Excess Electron Attachment Induces Barrier-Free Proton Transfer in Anionic Complexes of Thymine and Uracil with Formic Acid, J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 6919-6921 (2004).
- Raczyńska E.D., Darowska M., Dąbkowska I., Decouzon M., Gal J-F., Maria P-C., Poliart C.D., Experimental and Theoretical Evidence of Basic Site Preference in Polyfunctional Superbasic Amidinazine: N1,N1-Dimethyl-N2-9-(2-pyridylethyl)-formamidine, J. Org. Chem., 69, 4023-4030 (2004).
- Chambers S.A., Droubay T., Kaspar T.C., Gutowski M., Experimental Determination of the Valence Band Maximum for SrTiO3 and TiO2 Anatase by X-ray and Ultraviolet Photoemission, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 22, 2205 (2004).
- Jaffe J.E., Dupuis M., Gutowski M., First-Principle Study of Band Offsets in alpha-Cr2O3/alpha-Fe2O3(0001) Interfaces, Phys. Rev. B, 69, 205106 (2004).
- Wróblewska A., Huta O.M., Midyanyj S.V., Patsay I.O., Rak J., Błażejowski J., Origin of chemiluminescence accompanying the reaction of the 9-cyano-10-methylacridinium cation with hydrogen peroxide, J. Org. Chem., 69, 1607-1614 (2004).
- Yakovkin I.N., Gutowski M., SrTiO3/Si(001) Epitaxial Interface: A Density Functional Theory Study, Phys. Rev. B, 70, 165319 (2004).
- Hay B.P., Gutowski M., Dixon D.A., Garza J., Vargas R., Moyer B.A., Structural Criteria for the Rational Design of Selective Ligands. 4. Convergent Hydrogen Bonding Sites for the Nitrate Anion., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, 7925-7934 (2004).
- Wróblewska A., Meszko J., Krzymiński K., Ebead Y., Błażejowski J., Tautomerism of 9-acridinamines substituted at the exocyclic nitrogen atom in view of computational predictions and experimental findings, Chem. Phys., 303, 301-308 (2004).
- Pivovarenko V.G., Wróblewska A., Błażejowski J., The effect of hydrogen bonding interactions between 2-[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]-3-hydroxy-4H-chromene-4-one in the ground and excited states and dimethylsulfoxide or methanol on electronic absorption and emission transitions, J. Mol. Struct., 708, 175-181 (2004).
- Autrey T., Gutowska A., Li L., Linehan J., Gutowski M., Chemical Hydrogen Storage in Nanostructured Materials. Control of Hydrogen Release and Reactivity from Ammonia Borane Complexes., Prepr. Pap. - Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem., 49, 150 (2004).
- Gutowski M., Autrey T., Computational Studies of Boron/Nitrogen and Aluminum/Nitrogen Compounds for Chemical Hydrogen Storage, Prepr. Pap. - Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem., 49, 275 (2004).
- Harańczyk M., Gutowski M., Fluorine-Substituted Phenols as Probes to Study Intermolecular Proton Transfer Induced by Excess Electron Attachment to Uracil-Phenol Complexes, Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design, 3, 368-378 (2004).
- Smiataczowa K., Kosmalski J., Nowacki A., Czaja M., Warnke Z., Proton-acceptor properties and capability for mutarotation of some glucosylamines in methanol, Carbohydr. Res., 339, 1439-1445 (2004).
- Gleich E., Warnke Z., Wyrzykowski D., Reactions of elemental selenium with 2-ethylpyridine, Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the related elements, Vol. 179, 615-626 (2004).
- Makowski M., Chmurzyński L., Ab initio study of of the energetics of molecular heteroconjugation reactions in systems modeling acid-base interactions in side chains of biomolecules, J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem), 672, 183-190 (2004).
- Dąbrowska A., Sikorski A., Jacewicz D., Chmurzyński L., X-ray and conformational analysis of methyl 3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-α-D-arabino-hexapyranoside, Carbohydr. Res., 339, 1195-1199 (2004).
- Makowski M., Chmurzyński L., Ab Initio Study of the Energetics of Protonation, Deprotonation, Homocomplexed Cation and Anion Formation in Systems Modeling Side Chains of Biomolecules, J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem), 674, 61-67 (2004).
- Makowska J., Makowski M., Giełdoń A., Liwo A., Chmurzyński L., Determination of Molecular Heteroconjugation Equilibrium Constants in Systems Modeling Acid-Base Interactions in Side-Chains of Biomolecules Using Potential of Mean Force, J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 12222-12230 (2004).
- Makowska J., Makowski M., Chmurzyński L., Ab initio Studies on Acid-Base Equilibria of Substituted Phenols, J. Phys. Chem. A., 108, 10354-10358 (2004).
- Jacewicz D., Banecki B., Dąbrowska A., Wożniak M., Chmurzyński L., Kinetics and Mechanisms of the CO2 and SO2 Uptake by Coordinate Ion, cis-[Cr(C2O4)(L-L)(OH2)2]+ {(L-L) = methyl 3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-α-D-arabino-hexopyranoside)} Studied by Stopped-flow Spectrophotometry, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 357, 4467-4475 (2004).
- Liwo A., Arłukowicz P., Ołdziej S., Czaplewski C., Makowski M., Scheraga H. A., Optimization of the UNRES force field by hierarchical design of the potential-energy landscape. I: Tests of the approach using simple lattice protein models, J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 16918-16933 (2004).
- Liberek B., Dąbrowska A., Frankowski R., Smiatacz Z., From Tri-O-Acetyl-D-Glucal to (2R,3R,5R)-2,3-Diazido-5-Hydroxycyclohexanone Oxime, J. Carb. Chem., 23, 425-442 (2004).
- Nilsson M., Wang X., Rodziewicz-Motowidło S., Janowski R., Lindstrőm V.,G. Westermark V., Grzonka Z., Jaskólski M., Grubb A., Prevention of domain swapping inhibits dimerization and amyloid fibril formation of Cystatin C. Use of engineered disulfide bridges, antibodies, and carboxymethylpapain to stabilize the monomeric form of cystatin C, J. Biol. Chem., 279, 24236-24245 (2004).
- Guzow K., Ganzynkowicz R., Rzeska A., Mrozek J., Szabelski M., Karolczak J., Liwo A., Wiczk W., Photophysical properties of tyrosine and its simple derivatives studied by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, global analysis, and theoretical calculations., J. Phys. Chem., B 108, 3879-3889 (2004).
- Brage M., Lie A., Ransjő M., Kasprzykowski F., Kasprzykowska R., Abrahamson M., Grubb A., Lerner U.H., Osteoclastogenesis is decreased by cysteine proteinase inhibitors, Bone, 34, 412-424 (2004).
- Valensin D., Mancini F.M., Łuczkowski M., Janicka A., Wiśniewska K., Gaggelli E., Valensin G., Łankiewicz L., Kozłowski H., Identification of a novel high affinity copper binding site in the APP(145-155) fragment of amyloid precursor protein, Dalton Trans., 16-22 (2004).
- Stańczak P., Łuczkowski M., Juszczyk P., Grzonka Z., Kozłowski H., Interactions of Cu2+ ions with chicken prion tandem repeats, Dalton Trans., 2102-2107 (2004).
- Guzow K., Milewska M., Wróblewski D., Giełdoń A., Wiczk W., 3-[2-(8-Quinolinyl)benzoxazol-5-yl]alanine derivative - a specific fluorophore for transition and rare-earth metal ion detection. Tetrahedron, 60, 11889-11894 (2004).
- Kowalik-Jankowska T., Ruta M., Wiśniewska K., Łankiewicz L, Dyba M., Products of Cu(II)-catalyzed oxidation in the presence of hydrogen peroxide of the 1-10, 1-16 fragments of human and mouse β-amyloid peptide, Inorg. Biochem., 98, 940-950 (2004).
- Jankowska E., Wiczk W., Grzonka Z.,Thermal and guanidine hydrochloride-induced denaturation of human cystatin C, Eur. Biophys. J., 33, 454-461 (2004).
- Mrozek J., Rzeska A., Guzow K., Karolczak J., Wiczk W., Influence of alkyl group on amide atom on fluorescence quenching of tyrosine amide and N-acetyltyrosine amide. Biophys. Chem., 111, 105-113 (2004).
- Janowski R., Kozak M., Jankowska E., Grzonka Z.,. Jaskólski M, Two polymorphs of a covalent complex between papain and diazomethylketone inhibitor, J. Peptide Res., 64, 141-150 (2004).
- Stachowiak K., Tokmina M., Karpińska, R. Sosnowska, Wiczk W., Fluorogenic peptide substrates for carboxypeptidase activity of cathepsin B, Acta Biochim. Pol., 51, 81-92 (2004).
- Stachowiak K., Rodziewicz-Motowidło S., Sosnowska R., Kasprzykowski F., Łankiewicz L., Grubb A., Grzonka Z., Effect of antisense peptide binding on the dimerization of human cystatin C - gel electrophoresis and molecular modeling studies, Acta Biochim. Pol., 51, 153-160 (2004).
- Makowiec S., Wiśniewska K., Łankiewicz L., Peptide bond modification. I. Simple and efficient method of Boc-GlyΨ[CH(OH)CH2]Gly-OH synthesis, Pol. J. Chem., 78, 315-318 (2004).
- Łankiewicz L., Rój A., Szymańska A., Wiczk W., A facile synthesis of primary and secondary amines. Pol. J. Chem., 78, 1067-1072 (2004).
- Malicka J., Czaplewski C., Groth M., Wiczk W., Ołdziej S., Łankiewicz L., Ciarkowski J.,. Liwo A, Use of NMR and fluorescence spectroscopy as well as theoretical conformational analysis in conformation-activity studies of cyclic enkephalin analogues, Curr. Topics Med. Chem., 4, 123-133 (2004).
- Lerner U.H., Brage M., Ransjő M., Kasprzykowski F., Kasprzykowska R., Grzonka Z., Abrahamson M., Grubb A., Cysteine proteinases in osteoclast function and recruitment. In: Biological Mechanisms of tooth and craniofacial recruitment, Davidovich Z., J. Mah, Harvard Adv. Orthodont., Boston, eds., pp. 1-9 (2004).
- Wieczerzak E., Azapeptydy, Wiad. Chem., 58, 427-448 (2004).
- Jasir A., Kasprzykowski F., Lindstrőm V., Schalén C., Grubb A., New antimicrobial peptide against Gram-positive pathogens, Indian J. Med. Chem., 119, 74-76 (2004).
- Brasuń J., Makowski M., Ołdziej S., Światek-Kozłowska J., Coordination ability of pentapeptides with two dehydro-amino acid residues inserted into their sequences, J. Inorg. Biochem., 98, 1391-1398 (2004).
- Łodyga-Chruscińska E., Ołdziej S., Micera G., Sanna D., Chrusciński L., Olczak J., Zabrocki J., Effect of tetrazole moiety on coordinating efficiency of deltorphin, Acta Biochim. Pol., 51, 93-106 (2004).
- Łodyga-Chruscińska E., Ołdziej S., Micera G., Sanna D., Chrusciński L., Olczak J., Zabrocki J., Impact of 1,5-disubstituted tetrazole ring on chelating ability of delta-selective opioid peptide, J. Inorg. Biochem., 98, 447-458 (2004).
- Liwo A., Ołdziej S., Czaplewski C., Kozłowska U., Scheraga H.A., Parametrization of backbone-electrostatic and multibody contributions to the UNRES force field for protein-structure prediction from ab initio energy surfaces of model systems, J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 9421-9438 (2004).
- Czaplewski C., Ołdziej S., Liwo A., Scheraga H.A., Prediction of the structures of proteins with the UNRES force field, including dynamic formation and breaking of disulfide bonds, Prot. Eng. Des. Select., 17, 29-36 (2004).
- Malicka J., Czaplewski C., Groth M., Wiczk W., Ołdziej S., Łankiewicz L., Ciarkowski J., Liwo A., Use of NMR and fluorescence spectroscopy as well as theoretical conformational analysis in conformation-activity studies of cyclic enkephalin analogues, Current Topics Med. Chem., 4, 123-133 (2004).
- Czaplewski C., Liwo A., Pillardy J., Ołdziej S., Scheraga H.A., Improved conformational space annealing method to treat beta-structure with the UNRES force-field and to enhance scalability of parallel implementation, Polymer, 45, 677-686 (2004).
- Khalili M., Saunders J.A., Liwo A., Ołdziej S., Scheraga H.A., A united residue force-field for calcium-protein interactions, Prot. Sci., 13, 2725-2735 (2004).
- Liwo A., Arłukowicz, P., Ołdziej S., Czaplewski C., Makowski M., Scheraga H.A., Optimization of the UNRES force field by hierarchical design of the potential-energy landscape. 1. Tests of the approach using simple lattice protein models, J. Phys. Chem., 108, 16918-16933 (2004).
- Ołdziej S., Liwo A., Czaplewski C., Pillardy J., Scheraga H.A., Optimization of the UNRES froce field by hierarchical design of the potential-energy landscape. 2. Off-lattice tests of the method with single protein, J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 16934-16949 (2004).
- Ołdziej S., Łągiewka J., Liwo A., Czaplewski C., Chinchio M., Nanias M., Scheraga H.A., Optimization of the UNRES froce field by hierarchical design of the potential-energy landscape. 3. Use many proteins in optimization, J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 16950-16959 (2004).
- Ślusarz R., Ciarkowski J., Interaction of class A G protein-coupled receptors with G proteins, Acta Biochim. Polon., 51(1): 129-136 (2004).
- Ślusarz M.J., Ślusarz R., Meadows R., Trojnar J., & Ciarkowski J., Molecular dynamics of atosiban-neurohypophyseal receptors complexes embedded in the fully hydrated phospholipid bilayer, QSAR Comb. Sci., 23: 536-545 (2004).
- Guzow K., Ganzynkowicz R., Rzeska A., Mrozek J., Szabelski M., Karolczak J., Liwo A., Wiczk W., Photophysical properties of tyrosine and its simple derivatives studied by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, global analysis and theoretical calculations, J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 3879-3889 (2004).
- Goulart M.O.F., Lima N.M.F., Euzebio A., Sant'Ana G., Ferraz P.A.L., Cavalcanti J.C.M., Falkowski P, Ossowski T., Liwo A., Electrochemical studies of isolapachol with emphasis on oxygen interaction with its radical anions, J. Electroanal. Chem., 566, 25-29 (2004).
- Makowska J., Makowski M., Giełdoń A., Liwo A., Chmurzyński L., , Theoretical calculations of heteroconjugation equilibrium constants in systems moldeling acid-base interactions in side chains of biomolecules using the potential of mean force, J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 12222-12230 (2004).
- Liepina I., Janmey P., Czaplewski C., Liwo A., Towards gelsolin amyloid formation, Biopolymers, 76, 543-548 (2004).
- Stachowiak K., Rodziewicz-Motowidło S., Sosnowska R., Kasprzykowski F., Łankiewicz L., Grubb A., Grzonka Z., Efect of antisense peptide binding on the dimerization of Human Cystatin C - gel electrophoresis and molecular modelling studies, Acta Biochim. Pol., 51(1), 153-60 (2004).
- Nilsson M., Wang X., Rodziewicz-Motowidło S., Janowski R., Lindsrtom V., Onnerfjord P., Westermark G., Grzonka Z., Jaskólski M.,. Grubb A, Prevention of Domain Swapping Inhibits Dimerization and Amyloid Fibril Formation of Cystatin C use of engineered disulfide bridges, antibodies and carboxymethylpapain to stabilize the monomeric form of cystatin C, J. Biol. Chem., 4;279(23): 24236-45 (2004).
- Scheraga HA, Liwo A, Ołdziej S, Czaplewski C, Pillardy J, Ripoll DR, Vila JA, Kaźmierkiewicz R, Saunders JA, Arnautova YA, Jagielska A, Chinchio M, Nanias M., The protein folding problem: global optimization of the force fields, Front. Biosci., 9, 3296-323 (2004).
- Sawicka A., Skurski P., Simons J. , Excess electron attachment to disulfide-bridged L,L-cystine. An ab initio study, J. Phys. Chem. A, 108, 4261 (2004).
- Berdys J., Anusiewicz I., Skurski P., Simons J., Damage to model DNA fragments from very low-energy (< 1 eV) electrons, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, 6441 (2004).
- Berdys J., Skurski P., Simons J., Damage to model DNA fragments by 0.25-1.0 eV electrons attached to a thymine π* orbital, J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 5800 (2004).
- Anusiewicz I., Berdys J., Sobczyk M., Skurski P., Simons J., Effects of base π-stacking on damage to DNA by low-energy electrons, J. Phys. Chem. A, 108, 11381 (2004).
- Kowalczyk W., Derdowska I., Dawidowska O., Prahl A., Hartrodt B., Neubert K., Slaninová J., Lammek B., Analogues of Arginine Vasopressin Modified in the N-Terminal Part of the Molecule with Enantiomers of N-Methylphenylalanine, J. Pept. Res., 63, 420-5 (2004).
- Trzepałka E., Kowalczyk W., Lammek B., Cis/Trans Conformational equilibrium across the N-methylphenylalanine2-N-methylphenylalanine3 peptide bond of arginine vasopressin analogues, J. Pept. Res., 63, 333-46 (2004).
- Dawidowska O., Prahl A., Kowalczyk W., Derdowska I., Neubert K., Zabrocki J., Olejniczak B., Wierzba T., Juzwa W., Lammek B., Potent bradykinin antagonists containing N-benzylglycine or N-benzyl-L-alanine in position 8, J. Pept. Res., 63, 29-35 (2004).
- Kowalczyk W., Prahl A., Derdowska I., Dawidowska O., Slaninová J., Lammek B., Highly Potent 1-Aminocyclohexane-1-Carboxylic Acid Substituted V2 Agonists of Arginine Vasopressin, J. Med. Chem., 47, 6020-4 (2004).
- Trzepałka E., Oleszczuk M., Maciejczyk M., Lammek B., Solution structure of conformationally restricted vasopressin analogues, Acta Biochim. Pol., 51, 33-49 (2004).
- Scheraga H.A., Liwo A., Ołdziej S., Czaplewski C., Pillardy J., Ripoll D.R., Vila J.A., Kaźmierkiewicz R., Saunders J.A., Arnautova Y.A., Jagielska A., Chinchio M., Nanias M., The protein folding problem: global optimization of the force fields, Front. Biosci., 9, 3296-323 (2004).
- Liberek B., Dąbrowska A., Frankowski R., Smiatacz Z., From tri-O-acetyl-D-glucal to (2R,3R,5R)-2,3-diazido-5-hydroxycyclohaxanone oxime, J. Carbohydr. Chem., 23, 425-442 (2004).
- Pellowska-Januszek L., Dmochowska B., Skorupa E., Chojnacki J., Wojnowski W., Wiśniewski A., New class of quaternary ammonium salts, derivatives of methyl glucopyranosides, Carbohydr. Res., 339, 1537-1544 (2004).
- Skorupa E., Dmochowska B., Pellowska-Januszek L., Wojnowski W., Chojnacki J., Wiśniewski A., Synthesis and structure of selected quaternary N-(1,4-anhydro-5-deoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-D,L-ribitol-5-yl)ammonium salts, Carbohydr. Res., 339, 2355-2362 (2004).
- Smiataczowa K., Kosmalski J., Nowacki A., Czaja M., Warnke Z., Proton-acceptor properties and capability for mutarotation of same glucosylamines in methanol, Carbohydr. Res., 339, 1439-1445 (2004).
- Kurszewska M., Skorupowa E., Madaj J., Wiśniewski A., Solvent-Free Thermal Dehydration of Pentitols on Zeolites, J. Carbohydr. Chem., 23, 169-177 (2004).
- Madaj J., Jankowska M., Wiśniewski A., Synthesis of cis-(1→3)-glycosides of allyl 2-acetamido-4,6-O-benzylidene-2-deoxy-α-D-glucopyranoside, Carbohydr. Res., 339, 1293-1300 (2004).
- Kamysz W., Okrój M., Łempicka E., Ossowski T., Łukasiak J., Fast and efficient purification of synthetic peptides by solid-phase extraction, Acta Chromatographica, 14, 180-186 (2004).
- Łempicka E., Derdowska I., Kowalczyk W., Dawidowska O., Prahl A., Trzeciak H.I., Lammek B., Analogues of arginine vasopressin modified in position 2 and 3 with conformationally constrained dipeptide fragments, 3rd International and 28th European Peptide Symposium, Prague, (2004).
- Goulart M.O.F., Lima Nadia M.F., Sant'Ana A.E.G.,.Rerraz P.A.L, Cavalcanti J.C.M., Falkowski P., Ossowski T., Liwo A., Electrochemical studies of isolapachol with emphasis on oxygen interaction with radical anions, J. Electroanal. Chem., 566, 25-29 (2004).
- Skwierawska A., Paluszkiewicz E., Przyborowska M., Ossowski T., The Synthesis of 1,4,7,10-Tetrazacyclododecane with Acetylsalicylate Side Arm as Potentioal Cobalt(II) fluorophore, J. Incusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry 49, 21-26 (2004).
- Bogucka K., Królicka A., Kamysz W., Ossowski T., Łukasiak J., Łojkowska E., Actyvitis of Synthetic Peptides against Human Pathogenic Bacteria, Pol. J. of Microbiology, 53, 41-44 (2004).
- Kamysz W., Okrój M., Łempicka E., Ossowski T., Łukasiak J., Fast and efficient purification of synthetic peptides by solid-phase extraction, Acta Chromatographica, 14, 180-186 (2004).
- Falandysz J.: Jędrusiak A., Lipka K., Kannan K., Kawano M., Gucia M., Brzostowski A., Dadej M., Mercury in wild mushrooms and underlying soil substrate from Koszalin, North-central Poland, Chemosphere, 54, 461-466 (2004).
- Malinowska E, Szefer P, Falandysz J., Metals bioaccumulation by bay bolete, Xerocomus badius, from selected sites in Poland, Food Chemistry, 84, 405-416 (2004).
- Falandysz J., Strandberg B., Persistent organochlorine compounds in sludge and sediments from the Gdańsk region, Baltic Sea, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 13 (2), 133-138 (2004).
- Hanarii N., Horii Y., Taniyasu S., Falandysz J., Bochentin I., Orlikowska A., Puzyn T., Yamashita N., Isomer Specific analysis of polychlorinated naphthalenes in pine trees (Pinus thunbergi Parl.) and (Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc) needles around Tokyo Bay, Japan. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 13 (2), 139-151 (2004).
- Horii Y., Falandysz J., Hanari N.; Rostkowski P., Puzyn T., Okada M., Amano K., Naya T., Taniyasu S., Yamashita N., Concentrations and fluxes of chloronaphthalenes in sediments from the lake Kitaura in Japan in recent 15 centuries. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A -Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 39A (3), 587-609 (2004).
- Falandysz J., Puzyn T., Computational prediction of 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-diethylase (EROD) and luciferase (luc) inducing potency for 75 congeners of ch6loronaphthalene. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A -Toxic/Hazardous Substances, 39A (6), 1505-1523 (2004).
- Hanari N., Horii Y., Okazawa T., Falandysz J., Bochentin I., Orlikowska A., Puzyn T., Wyrzykowska B., Yamashita N., Dioxin-like compounds in pine needles around Tokyo Bay, Japan in 1999, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 6, 305-312 (2004).
- Noma Y., Yamamoto T., Falandysz J., Łukaszewicz E., Gutfrańska A., Sakai S., By-side impurities in chloronaphthalene mixtures of the Halowax series: all 19 chlorobiphenyls. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A -Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 39A(8), 2011-2022 (2004).
- Noma Y., Yamamoto T., Falandysz J., Gutfrańska A., Łukaszewicz E., Sakai S., By-side impurities in chloronaphthalene mixtures of the Halowax series: all 19 chlorophenols, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A -Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 39A (8), 2023-2034 (2004).
- Noma Y., Ishikawa Y., Falandysz J., Jęcek L., Gulkowska A., Miyaji K., Sakai S., By-side impurities in chloronaphthalene mixtures of the Halowax series: all 209 chlorobiphenyls, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A -Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 39A (8), 2035-2058 (2004).
- Skwarzec B., Strumińska D.I., Boryło A., Falandysz J., Intake of 210Po, 234U and 238U radionuclides with beer in Poland, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 261 (1), 661-663 (2004).
- Falandysz J., Taniyasu S., Flisak M., Świętojańska A., Horii Y., Hanari N., Yamashita N., Highly toxic chlorobiphenyl and by-side impurities content and composition of technical Chlorofen formulation, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A -Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 39A (11-12), 2773-2782 (2004).
- Kannan K., Corsolini S., Falandysz J., Fillmann G., Kumar KS., Loganathan BG., Olivero MAMJ., van Wouwe N., Yang JH., Aldous KM., Perfluorooctanesulfonate and related fluorochemicals in human blood from several countries, Environmental Science and Technology, 36, 4489-4495 (2004).
- Wójtowicz AK., Gregoraszczuk EL., Ptak A, Falandysz J., Effects of single and repeated in vitro exposure of ovarian follicles to o,p´-DDT and p,p´-DDT and their metabolites, Polish Journal of Pharmacology, 56, 465-472 (2004).
- Falandysz J., Wyrzykowska B., Warzocha J., Barska I., Garbacik-Wesołowska A., Szefer P., Organochlorine pesticides and PCBs in perch Perca fluviatilis from the Odra/Oder river estuary, Baltic Sea, Food Chemistry, 87, 17-23 (2004).
- Falandysz J., Taniyasu S., Flisak M., Świętojańska A., Horii Y., Hanari N., Yamashita N., Skład kongenerów chlorobifenylu w preparacie Chlorofen, Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny, 55 (4), w druku (2004).
- Bochentin I., Falandysz J., Orlikowska A., Hanari N., Wyrzykowska B., Yamashita N., Dioxin-like compounds (PCDDs, PCDFs and coplanar PCBs) in pine needles from Poland., 24th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants & POPs. Berlin, September 6-10, 2004, Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 2213-2221 (2004). ISBN: 3-928379-30-5.
- Hanari N., Okazawa T., Guruge K., Falandysz J., Yamashita N., Development of analytical method for PBDEs and PBDDs/DFs in environmental matrices and some chemical formulations. 24th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants & POPs. Berlin, September 6-10, 2004, Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 207-212 (2004), ISBN: 3-928379-30-5.
- Puzyn T., Falandysz J., Rostkowski P., Piliszek S., Wilczyńska A., Computational estimation of logarithm of octanol/air partition coefficients and subcooled vapour pressures for each of 75 chloronaphthalene congeners, 24th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants & POPs. Berlin, September 6-10, 2004, Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 2379-2385 (2004), ISBN: 3-928379-30-5.
- Orlikowska A., Falandysz J., Bochentin I., Hanari N., Wyrzykowska B., Yamashita N., Polychlorinated naphthalenes in pine needles from Poland. 24th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants & POPs. Berlin, September 6-10, 2004, Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 2222-2228 (2004), ISBN: 3-928379-30-5, ISBN: 3-928379-30-5.
- Taniyasu S., Falandysz J., Świętojańska A., Flisak M., Horii Y., Hanari N., Yamashita N., Petrick G., Composition and content of CBs, CDFs and CNs of Clophen A60. 24th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants & POPs. Berlin, September 6-10, 2004, Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 912-916 (2004), ISBN: 3-928379-30-5.
- Yamamoto T., Gutfrańska M., Ishikawa Y., Łukaszewicz E.; Noma Y., Sakai S-I., Falandysz J., Chlorobenzenes and chlorophenols in chloronaphthalene Halowax formulations. 24th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants & POPs, Berlin, September 6-10, 2004, Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 1621-1628 (2004), ISBN: 3-928379-30-5.
- Yamashita N., Falandysz J., Taniyasu S., Flisak M., Świętojańska A., Horii Y., Hanari N., Petrick G., Chlorobiphenyls and by-side impurities content and composition of Chlorofen. 24th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants & POPs, Berlin, September 6-10, 2004, Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 917-920 (2004), ISBN: 3-928379-30-5.
- Noma Y., Jęcek L., Ishikawa Y., Sakai S-I., Falandysz J., Chlorobiphenyls in chloronaphthalene halowax formulations, 24th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants & POPs, Berlin, September 6-10, 2004, Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 1604-1609 (2004), ISBN: 3-928379-30-5.
- Okazawa T., Hanari N., Guruge K., Wyrzykowska B., Orlikowska A., Yamashita N., Falandysz J., Congener-specific data of PBDEs in pine needles, 24th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants & POPs, Berlin, September 6-10, 2004, Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 3774-3778 (2004), ISBN: 3-928379-30-5.
- Rostkowski P., Puzyn T., Świeczkowski A., Falandysz J.: Prediction of environmental partition coefficients for 135 congeners of polychlorinated dibenzotiophenes (PCDTs). 24th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants & POPs, Berlin, September 6-10, 2004, Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 2386-2391 (2004), ISBN: 3-928379-30-5.
- Puzyn T., Falandysz J., In silico studies of dioxin-like toxicity of 75 individual chloronaphthalene congeners (PCNs). 24th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants & POPs. Berlin, September 6-10, 2004, Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 3414-3420 (2004), ISBN: 3-928379-30-5.
- Falandysz J., Wilczyńska A., Piliszek S., Puzyn T., Trans-polychlorinated azobenzenes (PCABs) - new possibly "dioxin-like" environmental pollutants. multidimentional analysis of the structural feature space of congener set. 24th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants & POPs, Berlin, September 6-10, 2004. Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 2426-2432 (2004), ISBN: 3-928379-30-5.
- Wyrzykowska B., Hanari N., Orlikowska A., Bochentin I., Rostkowski P., Falandysz J., Taniyasu S., Horii Y., Yamashita N.: Polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated naphthalenes in pine needles and soil from Poland - concentrations and patterns in the view of the long-term monitoring of ambient air pollution. 24th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants & POPs. Berlin, September 6-10, 2004. Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 4096-4102 (2004), ISBN: 3-928379-30-5.
- Nose K., Falandysz J., Ishikawa Y., Yukio N., Sakai S-I., Congener-specific data of chloronaphthalenes in variuos lots of several Halowax formulations. 24th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants & POPs. Berlin, September 6-10, 2004. Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 1633-1638 (2004), ISBN: 3-928379-30-5.
- Schulte-Oehlmann U., Oehlmann J., Bachmann J., Klingmüller D., Kloas W., Jobling S., Tyler C., Oredsson S., Berntsson P., Kusk O., Jeannot R., Dagnac T., Porte C., Candia-Carnevali D., Galassi S., Albanis TA., Sakkas V., Falandysz J.: COMPRENDO - comparative research on edndocrine disrupters. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment. T.A. Albanis (red.), Halkidiki, Greece, October 7-10, 195-197, (2004), ISBN: 1108-7633.
- Dagnac T., Falandysz J., Bristeau S., Leroy Ch., Jeannot R.: Speciation of androgenic phenyltin and butyltin compounds in wildlife and environmental media. 3rd European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment. T.A. Albanis (red.), Halkidiki, Greece, October 7-10, 201-204 (2004), ISBN: 1108-7633.
- Noma Y., Minetomatsu K., Falandysz J., Flisak M., Świętojańska A., Jęcek L., Miyaji K., Sakai S.: Contamination of the Halowax PCN formulations by PCDFs. 3rd European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment. T.A. Albanis (red.), Halkidiki, Greece, October 7-10, 344-348 (2004), ISBN: 1108-7633.
- Noma Y., Minetomatsu K., Falandysz J., Świętojańska A., Flisak M., Miyaji K., Sakai S., PCDDs in PCN Halowax formulations. 3rd European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment. T.A. Albanis (red.), Halkidiki, Greece, October 7-10, 349-352 (2004), ISBN: 1108-7633.
- Karawajczyk B., Biomedical applications of dendrimers, Annals of the Polish Chemical Society, Volume 3, 1, 1211-1213 (2004).
- Kowalik E., Chemia koordynacyjna w liceum ogólnokształcącym, Chemické Rozhľady, 5, 80-84, (2004) Bratislava (Słowacja) ISSN 1335-8391 (2004).
- Florek A., Struktura treści biochemicznych w nauczaniu chemii w liceum. Chemické Rozhľady, 5, 75-79, 2004 Bratislava (Słowacja) ISSN 1335-8391(2004).
- Sokołowska T., Piosik R., Otto Ruff und Alfred Wohl Professoren der 1904 gegründeten Königlichen Technischen Hochschule zu Danzig, Chemkon 11, 2, 76-78 (2004).
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- Piosik R., Kowalik E., Karnityna - suplement w sporcie wyczynowym, Chemia w Szkole, 253(L), 5 , 275-278 (2004).
- Karawajczyk B., Białka szoku termicznego, Chemia w Szkole, 250(L), 2, 67-70 (2004).
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- Bojanowska I., Pepliński M., Proces stabilizacji tlenowej osadu ściekowego, Branżowy Magazyn Przemysłowy - Ochrona Środowiska, 251(1), 25-29 (2004).
- Bojanowska I., Pepliński M., Lidzbarski R., Usuwanie azotu ze ścieków w świetle zaostrzonych wymogów jakości oczyszczonych ścieków na przykładzie oczyszczalni w Tczewie, Gaz, Woda i Technika Sanitarna, 5, 168-172 (2004).
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- Pietraszkiewicz M., Kłonkowski A., Staniszewski K., Karpiuk J., Bianketti S., Pietraszkiewicz O., Novel Ligands Incoporating Phosphinoxide Groups as Particularly Efficient Sensitizer for Lanthanide Emission , J. Incl. Phen. Macr. Chem., 4, 61-67 (2004).
- Kłonkowski A.M., Lis S., Grobelna B., But S., Spectral Properties of Eu(III) Complexes with Heteropolyanions Immobilised in Xerogel Matrices, J. Alloy Compd. 380, 205-210 (2004).
- Pietraszkiewicz M., Kłonkowski A., Staniszewski K., Karpiuk J., Bianketti S., Novel Phosphinoxide-Bearing Ligands and Their Photoluminescent Complexes. Spectroscopic Studies, J. Alloys Compd. 380, 241-247 (2004).
- Markuszewski M., Stepnowski P., Marszałł M. Capillary electrophoretic separation of cationic constituents of imidazolium ionic liquids, Electrophoresis, 25, 3450-3454 (2004).
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- Stepnowski P., Solid phase extraction of ionic liquids from environmental aqueous samples, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 381(1) (2004).