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Faculty of Chemisty Publications in 2018

Last modified: 
2019, November 22 - 10:52am

1. Karolina Szymańska, Jerzy Falandysz, Bogdan Skwarzec, Dagmara Strumińska-Parulska., 210Po and 210Pb in forest mushrooms of genus Leccinum and topsoil from northern Poland and its contribution to the radiation dose, Chemosphere, 2018, Vol. 213, s. 133-140

2. Samanta Makurat, Magdalena Zdrowowicz, Lidia Chomicz-Mańka, Witold Kozak, Illia E. Serdiuk, Paweł Wityk, Alicja Kawecka, Marta Sosnowska, Janusz Rak., 5-Selenocyanato and 5-trifluoromethanesulfonyl derivatives of 2'-deoxyuridine: synthesis, radiation and computational chemistry as well as cytotoxicity, RSC Advances, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 8, iss. 38, s. 21378-21388

3. Paulina Łukaszewicz, Anna Białk-Bielińska, Joanna Dołżonek, Jolanta Kumirska, Magda Caban, Piotr Stepnowski., A new approach for the extraction of tetracyclines from soil matrices: application of the microwave-extraction technique, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 410, iss. 6, s. 1697-1707

4. Adam K. Sieradzan, Artur Giełdoń, Yanping Yin, Yi He, Harold A. Scheraga, Adam Liwo, A new protein nucleic-acid coarse-grained force field based on the UNRES and NARES-2P force fields, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 39, no. 28, s. 2360-2370

5. Alicia Wong, Danuta Bryzek, Ewelina Dobosz, Carsten Scavenius, Pavel Svoboda, Maria Rapala-Kozik, Adam Lesner, Ivo Frydrych, Jan Enghild, Piotr Mydel, Jan Pohl, Paul R. Thompson, Jan Potempa, Joanna Koziel., A novel biological role for peptidyl-arginine deiminases: citrullination of cathelicidin LL-37 controls the immunostimulatory potential of cell-free DNA Journal of Immunology, 2018, Vol. 200, iss. 7, s. 2327-2340

6. Lucyna Holec-Gąsior, Bartłomiej Ferra, Justyna Czechowska, Illia E. Serdiuk, Karol Krzymiński., A novel chemiluminescent immunoassay based on original acridinium ester labels as better solution for diagnosis of human toxoplasmosis than conventional ELISA test, Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, 2018, Vol. 91, iss. 1, s. 13-19

7. Agnieszka Lewandowska, Dominik Wróblewski, Katarzyna Guzow, Magda Milewska, Cezary Czaplewski, Wiesław Wiczk., Acid-base properties of 3-[2-(n-quinolinyl)benzoxazol-5-yl]alanine derivatives in the ground and excited state. Experimental and theoretical studies, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. A, Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 353, s. 191-199

8. Małgorzata A. Dawgul, Daria Grzywacz, Beata Liberek, Wojciech Kamysz, Henryk Myszka., Activity of diosgenyl 2-amino-2-deoxy-β-D-glucopyranoside, its hydrochloride, and N,N-dialkyl derivatives against non-albicans Candida isolates, Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 14, iss. 5, s. 460-467

9. Małgorzata Sobocińska, Artur Giełdoń, Jakub Fichna, Elżbieta Kamysz., Alanine scan of sialorphin and its hybrids with opiorphin: synthesis, molecular modelling and effect on enkephalins degradation, Amino Acids, 2018, Vol. 50, iss. 8, s. 1083-1088

10. Anna Synak, R. Fudala, I. Gryczynski, L. Kułak, S. Shah, Illia E. Serdiuk, Beata Grobelna, Piotr Arłukowicz, Aleksander Kubicki, Piotr Bojarski., AMCA to TAMRA long range resonance energy transfer on a flexible peptide, Dyes and Pigments, 2018, Vol. 158, s. 60-64

11. Chen Keasar, Liam J. McGuffin, Björn Wallner, Gaurav Chopra, Badri Adhikari, Debswapna Bhattacharya, Lauren Blake, Leandro Oliveira Bortot, Renzhi Cao, B. K. Dhanasekaran, Itzhel Dimas, Rodrigo Antonio Faccioli, Eshel Faraggi, Robert Ganzynkowicz, Sambit Ghosh, Soma Ghosh, Artur Giełdoń, Łukasz Golon, Yi He, Lim Heo, Jie Hou, Main Khan, Firas Khatib, George A. Khoury, Chris Kieslich, David E.

Kim, Paweł Krupa, Gyu Rie Lee, Hongbo Li, Jilong Li, Agnieszka Lipska, Adam Liwo, Ali Hassan A. Maghrabi, Milot Mirdita, Shokoufeh Mirzaei, Magdalena A. Mozolewska, Melis Onel, Sergey Ovchinnikov, Anand Shah, Utkarsh Shah, Tomer Sidi, Adam K. Sieradzan, Magdalena Ślusarz, Rafał Ślusarz, James Smadbeck, Phanourios Tamamis, Nicholas Trieber, Tomasz Wirecki, Yanping Yin, Yang Zhang, Jaume Bacardit, Maciej Baranowski, Nicholas Chapman, Seth Cooper, Alexandre Defelicibus, Jeff Flatten, Brian Koepnick, Zoran Popović, Bartłomiej Zaborowski, David Baker, Jianlin Cheng, Cezary Czaplewski, Alexandre Cláudio Botazzo Delbem, Christodoulos Floudas, Andrzej Kloczkowski, Stanisław Ołdziej, Michael Levitt, Harold Scheraga, Chaok Seok, Johannes Soeding, Saraswathi Vishveshwara, Dong Xu, Silvia N. Crivelli., An analysis and evaluation of the WeFold collaborative for protein structure prediction and its pipelines in CASP11 and CASP12, Scientific Reports, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 8, art. no. 9939, s. 1-18

12. Milena Deptuła, Anna Wardowska, Maria Dzierżyńska, Sylwia Rodziewicz-Motowidło, Michał Pikuła., Antibacterial peptides in dermatology - strategies for evaluation of allergic potential, Molecules, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 23, no. 2, art. no. 414, s. 1-9

13. Katarzyna Turecka, Agnieszka Chylewska, Anna Kawiak, Krzysztof Waleron., Antifungal activity and mechanism of action of the Co(III) coordination complexes with diamine chelate ligands against reference and clinical strains of Candida spp., Frontiers in Microbiology, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 9, art. no. 1594, s. 1-14

14. Natalia Ptaszyńska, Katarzyna Gucwa, Anna Łęgowska, Dawid Dębowski, Agata Gitlin-Domagalska, Jan Lica, Mateusz Heldt, Dorota Martynow, Mateusz Olszewski, Sławomir Milewski, Tzi Bun Ng, Krzysztof Rolka., Antimicrobial Activity of Chimera Peptides Composed of Human Neutrophil Peptide 1 (HNP-1) Truncated Analogues and Bovine Lactoferrampin, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 29, iss. 9, s. 3060-3071

15. Eleonora Ciandrini, Gianluca Morroni, Daniela Arzeni, Wojciech Kamysz, Damian Neubauer, Elżbieta Kamysz, Oscar Cirioni, Lucia Brescini, Wally Baffone, Raffaella Campana., Antimicrobial activity of different antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) against clinical methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 18, no. 24, s. 2116-2126

16. Adam Fabisiak, Małgorzata Sobocińska, Elżbieta Kamysz, Jakub Fichna, Marta Zielińska [ŁUM]., Antinociceptive potency of enkephalins and enkephalinase inhibitors in the mouse model of colorectal distension-proof-of-concept, Chemical Biology & Drug Design, 2018, Vol. 92, iss. 1, s. 1387-1392

17. Agnieszka Piotrowska-Kirschling, Joanna Drzeżdżon, Anna Kloska, Dariusz Wyrzykowski, Lech Chmurzyński, Dagmara Jacewicz., Antioxidant and cytoprotective activity of oxydiacetate complexes of cobalt(II) and nickel(II) with 1,10-phenantroline and 2,2'-bipyridine, Biological Trace Element Research, 2018, Vol. 185, iss. 1, s. 244-251

18. Magdalena Cerkowniak, Mieczysława I. Boguś, Emilia Włóka, Piotr Stepnowski, Marek Gołębiowski., Application of headspace solid-phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry to determine esters of carboxylic acids and other volatile compounds in Dermestes maculatus and Dermestes ater lipids, Biomedical Chromatography, 2018, Vol. 32, iss. 2, art. no. e4051, s. 1-13

19. Adriana Mika, Wojciech Wojtowicz, Adam Ząbek, Piotr Młynarz, Michał Chmielewski, Tomasz Śledziński, Piotr Stepnowski., Application of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for the detection of metabolic disorders in patients with moderate kidney insufficiency, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2018, Vol. 149, s. 1-8

20. Maciej Barycki, Anita Sosnowska, Tomasz Puzyn., AquaBoxIL - a computational tool for determining the environmental distribution profile of ionic liquids Green Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 20, iss. 14, s. 3359-3370

21. Francisca A. e Silva, Mariam Kholany, Tânia E. Sintra, Magda Caban, Piotr Stepnowski, Sónia P. M. Ventura, João A. P. Coutinho., Aqueous biphasic systems using chiral ionic liquids for the enantioseparation of mandelic acid enantiomers, Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, 2018, Vol. 36, iss. 6, s. 617-631

22. Jerzy Falandysz, Michał Saniewski, Ji Zhang, Tamara Zalewska, Liu Hong-Gao, Karolina Kluza., Artificial 137Cs and natural 40K in mushrooms from the subalpine region of the Minya Konka summit and Yunnan Province in China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, Vol. 25, iss. 1, s. 615-627

23. Urszula Judycka, Karolina Jagiełło, L. Bober, Jerzy Błażejowski, Tomasz Puzyn., Assessing therapeutic relevance of biologically interesting, ampholytic substances based on their physicochemical and spectral characteristics with chemometric tools, Chemical Physics Letters, 2018, Vol. 701, s. 58-64

24. Iwona Anusiewicz, Piotr Skurski., Attaching Be or Mg to BH3 results in the formation of BeBH3 and MgBH3 molecules capable of forming stable anions, Chemical Physics Letters, 2018, Vol. 698, s. 19-23

25. Jerzy Falandysz, Małgorzata Mędyk, Roland Treu., Bio-concentration potential and associations of heavy metals in Amanita muscaria (L.) Lam. from northern regions of Poland, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, Vol. 25, iss. 25, s. 25190-25206

26. Urszula Zarzecka, Anna Modrak-Wójcik, Martyna Bayassi, Maciej Szewczyk, Artur Giełdoń, Adam Lesner, Tomasz Koper, Agnieszka Bzowska, Maurizio Sanguinetti, Steffen Backert, Barbara Lipińska, Joanna Skórko-Glonek., Biochemical properties of the HtrA homolog from bacterium Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018, Vol. 109, s. 992-1005

27. Marta Markiewicz, Jolanta Kumirska, Iseult Lynch, Marianne Matzke, Jan Köser, Steve Bemowsky, Dominic Docter, Roland Stauber, Dana Westmeier, Stefan Stolte., Changing environments and biomolecule coronas: consequences and challenges for the design of environmentally acceptable engineered nanoparticles, Green Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 20, iss. 18, s. 4133-4168

28. Urszula Judycka, Karolina Jagiełło, Maciej Gromelski, Leszek Bober, Jerzy Błażejowski, Tomasz Puzyn., Chemometric approach to correlations between retention parameters of non-polar HPLC columns and physicochemical characteristics for ampholytic substances of biological and pharmaceutical relevance, Journal of Chromatography. B, 2018, Vol. 1095, s. 8-14

29. Urszula Judycka, Karolina Jagiełło, Maciej Gromelski, Leszek Bober, Jerzy Błażejowski, Tomasz Puzyn., Chemometric outlook on correlations between retention parameters of polar and semipolar HPLC columns and physicochemical characteristics of ampholytic substances of biological and pharmaceutical relevance, Structural Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 29, no. 6, s. 1839-1844

30. Andrzej Nowacki, Beata Liberek., Comparative conformational studies of 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-1,5-anhydro-2- deoxyhex-1-enitols at the DFT level, Carbohydrate Research, 2018, Vol. 462, s. 13-27

31. Aleksandra Bojke, Cezary Tkaczuk, Piotr Stepnowski, Marek Gołębiowski, Comparison of volatile compounds released by entomopathogenic fungi, Microbiological Research, 2018, Vol. 214, s. 129-136

32. Paweł Krupa, David J. Wales, Adam K. Sieradzan, Computational studies of the mechanical stability for single-strand break DNA, The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B, 2018, Vol. 122, no. 34, s. 8166-8173

33. Adam Golda, Paulina Kosikowska-Adamus, O. Babyak, M. Lech, Magdalena Wysocka, Adam Lesner, Jan Potempa, Joanna Koziel., Conjugate of enkephalin and temporin peptides as a novel therapeutic agent for sepsis, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 29, iss. 12, s. 4127-4139

34. Joanna Makowska, Krzysztof Żamojć, Dariusz Wyrzykowski, Wiesław Wiczk, Lech Chmurzyński., Copper(II) complexation by fragment of central part of FBP28 protein from Mus musculus, Biophysical Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 241, s. 55-60

35. Katarzyna Krupa, Monika Lesiów, Kamila Stokowa-Sołtys, Radosław Starosta, Natalia Ptaszyńska, Anna Łęgowska, Krzysztof Rolka, Maciej Wernecki, Magdalena Cal, Małgorzata Jeżowska-Bojczuk., Copper(II) complexes with Fusobacterium nucleatum adhesin FadA: Coordination pattern, physicochemical properties and reactivity, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2018, Vol. 189, s. 69-80

36. Valeria Polliotto, Stefano Livraghi, Anna Krukowska, Maria Vittoria Dozzi, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska, Elena Selli, Elio Giamello., Copper-Modified TiO2 and ZrTiO4: Cu Oxidation State Evolution during Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, Vol. 10, iss. 33, s. 27745-27756

37. Hanna Mazur-Marzec, Anna Fidor, Marta Cegłowska, Ewa Wieczerzak, Magdalena Kropidłowska, Marie Goua, Jenny Macaskill, Christine Edwards., Cyanopeptolins with Trypsin and Chymotrypsin Inhibitory Activity from the Cyanobacterium Nostoc edaphicum CCNP1411, Marine Drugs, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 16, iss. 7, art. no. 220, s. 1-19

38. Magdalena Chrabąszczewska, Martyna Maszota-Zieleniak, Zuzanna Pietralik, Michał Taube, Sylwia Rodziewicz-Motowidło, Aneta Szymańska, Kosma Szutkowski, Daniel Clemens, Anders Grubb, Maciej Kozak., Cyclic trimer of human cystatin C, an amyloidogenic protein - molecular dynamics and experimental studies, Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, Vol. 123, iss. 17, art. no 174701, s. 1-9

39. Aleksandra Czumaj, Adriana Mika, Michał Chmielewski, Tomasz Sledzinski., Cyclopropaneoctanoic acid 2-hexyl upregulates the expression of genes responsible for lipid synthesis and release in human hepatic HepG2 cells, Lipids, 2018, Vol. 53, no. 3, s. 345-351

40. Ewa Maria Siedlecka, Aleksandra Ofiarska, Agnieszka Fiszka-Borzyszkowska, Anna Białk-Bielińska, Piotr Stepnowski, Aleksandra Pieczyńska., Cytostatic drug removal using electrochemical oxidation with BDD electrode: degradation pathway and toxicity, Water Research, 2018, Vol. 144, s. 235-245

41. Agnieszka Gajewicz, Tomasz Puzyn, Katarzyna Odziomek, Piotr Urbaszek, Andrea Haase, Christian Riebeling, Andreas Luch, Muhammad A. Irfan, Robert Landsiedel, Meike van der Zande, Hans Bouwmeester., Decision tree models to classify nanomaterials according to the DF4nanoGrouping scheme, Nanotoxicology, 2018, Vol. 12, no. 1, s. 1-17

42. Marta Paszkiewicz-Gawron, Marta Długokęcka, Wojciech Lisowski, Maria Cristina Paganini, Elio Giamello, Tomasz Klimczuk, Monika Paszkiewicz, Ewelina Grabowska, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska, Justyna Łuczak., Dependence between ionic liquid structure and mechanism of visible-light-induced activity of TiO2 obtained by ionic-liquid-assisted solvothermal synthesis, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 6, iss. 3, s. 3927-3937

43. Jadwiga Popow-Stellmaszyk, Beata Bajorowicz, Anna Malankowska, Magdalena Wysocka, Tomasz Klimczuk, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska, Adam Lesner., Design, synthesis, and enzymatic evaluation of novel ZnO quantum dot-based assay for detection of proteinase 3 activity, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 29, iss. 5, s. 1576-1583

44. Illia E. Serdiuk, Milena Reszka, Anna Synak, Beata Liberek, Piotr Bojarski., Determination of low-activity hydrolases using ESIPT fluorescent indicators on silver surfaces, Dyes and Pigments, 2018, Vol. 149, s. 224-228

45. Karolina Pierzynowska, Agata Rzeszótko, Aleksandra Blendowska, Ewa Wieczerzak, Sylwia Rodziewicz-Motowidło, Ewa Piotrowska, Grzegorz Węgrzyn., Differential effects of various soy isoflavone dietary supplements (nutraceuticals) on bacterial growth and human fibroblast viability, Acta Biochimica Polonica, 2018, Vol. 65, no. 2, s. 325-332

46. Marcin Czapla, Jack Simons, Piotr Skurski., Dissociative electron attachment to HGaF4 Lewis-Brønsted superacid, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, Vol. 20, no. 33, s. 21739-21745

47. Agnieszka Borowik, Yuriy Prylutskyy, Łukasz Kawelski, Olena Kyzyma, Leonid Bulavin, Oleksandr Ivankov, Vsevolod Cherepanov, Dariusz Wyrzykowski, Rajmund Kaźmierkiewicz, Grzegorz Gołuński, Anna Woziwodzka, Maxim Evstigneev, Uwe Ritter, Jacek Piosik., Does C60 fullerene act as a transporter of small aromatic molecules?, Colloids and Surfaces. B, Biointerfaces, 2018, Vol. 164, s. 134-143

48. Anna Kutkowska-Kaźmierczak, Małgorzata Rydzanicz, Aleksander Chlebowski, Kamila Kłosowska-Kosicka, Adriana Mika, Jakub Gruchota, Elżbieta Jurkiewicz, Cezary Kowalewski, Agnieszka Pollak, Teresa Joanna Stradomska, Tomasz Kmieć, Rafał Jakubowski, Piotr Gasperowicz, Anna Walczak, Dariusz Śladowski, Ewa Jankowska-Steifer, Lech Korniszewski, Joanna Kosińska, Ewa Obersztyn, Wieslaw Nowak, Tomasz Śledziński, Andrzej Dziembowski, Rafał Płoski., Dominant ELOVL1 mutation causes neurological disorder with ichthyotic keratoderma, spasticity, hypomyelination and dysmorphic features, Journal of Medical Genetics, 2018, Vol. 55, iss. 6, s. 408-414

49. Hanna Męczykowska, Piotr Stepnowski, Magda Caban., Effect of salinity and pH on the calibration of the extraction of pharmaceuticals from water by PASSIL, Talanta, 2018, Vol. 179, s. 271-278

50. Anna Białk-Bielińska, Marianne Matzke, Magda Caban, Stefan Stolte, Jolanta Kumirska, Piotr Stepnowski., Effects of five sulphonamides on duckweed (Lemna minor) after prolonged exposure time and their dependency on photoradiation, Science of the Total Environment, 2018, Vol. 618, s. 952-960

51. Ewa Raczyńska, Mariusz Makowski., Effects of positive and negative ionization on prototropy in pyrimidine bases: an unusual case of isocytosine, The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 2018, Vol. 122, no. 39, s. 7863-7879

52. Oscar Cirioni, Oriana Simonetti, Gianluca Morroni, Lucia Brescini, Wojciech Kamysz, Elżbieta Kamysz, Fiorenza Orlando, Elisa Pierpaoli, Miriam Caffarini, Monia Orciani, Claudio Agostinelli, Annamaria Offidani, Mauro Provinciali, Andrea Giacometti, Efficacy of pexiganan combination with tigecycline in a mouse model of Pseudomonas aeruginosa sepsis, Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 18, no. 24, s. 2127-2132

53. A. S. Ochoa-Chavez, Aleksandra Pieczyńska, Agnieszka Fiszka-Borzyszkowska, P. J. Espinoza-Montero, Ewa Maria Siedlecka, Electrochemical degradation of 5-FU using a flow reactor with BDD electrode: Comparison of two electrochemical systems, Chemosphere, 2018, Vol. 201, s. 816-825

54. Magda Kozak, Paweł Mazierski, Joanna Żebrowska, Marek Kobylański, Tomasz Klimczuk, Wojciech Lisowski, Grzegorz Trykowski, Grzegorz Nowaczyk, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska., Electrochemically obtained TiO2/CuxOy nanotube arrays presenting a photocatalytic response in processes of pollutants degradation and bacteria inactivation in aqueous phase, Catalysts, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 8, iss. 6, art. no. 237, s. 1-20

55. Anna Synak, Piotr Bojarski, Beata Grobelna, Ignacy Gryczynski, Rafał Fudala, Michał Mońka, Enhanced emission of Nile Red on plasmonic platforms, Optical Materials, 2018, Vol. 78, s. 82-87

56. Jerzy Wojsławski, Anna Białk-Bielińska, Monika Paszkiewicz, Michał Toński, Piotr Stepnowski, Joanna Dołżonek., Evaluation of the sorption mechanism of ionic liquids onto multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Chemosphere, 2018, Vol. 190, s. 280-286

57. Adriana Mika, Lukasz Kaska, Monika Proczko-Stepaniak, Agnieszka Chomiczewska, Julian Swierczynski, Ryszard T Smolenski, Tomasz Sledzinski., Evidence that the length of bile loop determines serum bile acid concentration and glycemic control after bariatric surgery, Obesity Surgery, 2018, Vol. 28, iss. 11, s. 3405-3414

58. Carla Guarino, Natalia Gruba, Renata Grzywa, Edyta Dyguda-Kazimierowicz, Yveline Hamon, Monika Łęgowska, Marcin Skoreński, Sandrine Dallet-Choisy, Sylvain Marchand-Adam, Christine Kellenberger, Dieter E. Jenne, Marcin Sieńczyk, Adam Lesner, Francis Gauthier, Brice Korkmaz., Exploiting the S4-S5 specificity of human neutrophil proteinase 3 to improve the potency of peptidyl di(chlorophenyl)-phosphonate ester inhibitors: a kinetic and molecular modeling analysis, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 61, iss. 5, s. 1858-1870

59. Anna Gołąbiewska, Marta Paszkiewicz-Gawron, Aleksandra Sadzińska, Wojciech Lisowski, Ewelina Grabowska, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska, Justyna Łuczak., Fabrication and photoactivity of ionic liquid-TiO2 structures for efficient visible-light-induced photocatalytic decomposition of organic pollutants in aqueous phase, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 9, s. 580-590

60. Anna Pancielejko, Paweł Mazierski, Wojciech Lisowski, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska, Klaudia Kosek, Justyna Łuczak., Facile formation of self-organized TiO2 nanotubes in electrolyte containing ionic liquid-ethylammonium nitrate and their remarkable photocatalytic properties, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 6, iss. 11, s. 14510-14522

61. Aleksandra M. Naczk, Agnieszka K. Kowalkowska, Natalia Wiśniewska, Łukasz P. Haliński, Małgorzata Kapusta, Małgorzata Czerwicka., Floral anatomy, ultrastructure and chemical analysis in Dactylorhiza incarnata/maculata complex (Orchidaceae), Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2018, Vol 187, iss. 3, s. 512-536

62. Marcin Czapla, Olimpia Ciepła, Jakub Brzeski, Piotr Skurski., Formation of enormously strongly bound anionic clusters predicted in binary superacids, The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 2018, Vol. 122, no. 43, s. 8539-8548

63. Marcin Czapla, Sylwia Freza., Functionalized ACC molecule as an effective peptide clasp, Chemical Physics Letters, 2018, Vol. 703, s. 52-55

64. Joanna Drzeżdżon, Lech Chmurzyński, Dagmara Jacewicz, Geometric isomerism effect on catalytic activities of bis(oxalato)diaquochromates(III) for 2-chloroallyl alcohol oligomerization, Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2018, Vol. 130, no. 9, art. no. 116, s. 1-7

65. Szymon Dziomba, Krzesimir Ciura, Paulina Kocialkowska, Adam Prahl, Bartosz Wielgomas., Gold nanoparticles dispersion stability under dynamic coating conditions in capillary zone electrophoresis, Journal of Chromatography. A, 2018, Vol. 1550, s. 63-67

66. Monika Paszkiewicz, Celina Sikorska, Danuta Leszczyńska, Piotr Stepnowski., Helical multi-walled carbon nanotubes as an efficient material for the dispersive solid-phase extraction of low and high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from water samples: theoretical study, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 2018, Vol. 229, no. 8, art. no. 253, s. 1-15

67. Anna Gołąbiewska, Micaela Checa-Suearez, Marta Paszkiewicz-Gawron, Wojciech Lisowski, Edyta Raczuk, Tomasz Klimczuk, Żaneta Polkowska, Ewelina Grabowska, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska, Justyna Łuczak., Highly active TiO2 microspheres

formation in the presence of ethylammonium nitrate ionic liquid, Catalysts, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 8, iss. 7, art. no. 279, s.1-17

68. Natalia Sizochenko, Alicja Mikołajczyk, Karolina Jagiełło, Tomasz Puzyn, Jerzy Leszczynski, Bakhtiyor Rasulev., How the toxicity of nanomaterials towards different species could be simultaneously evaluated: a novel multi-nano-read-across approach, Nanoscale, 2018, Vol. 10, no. 2, s. 582-591

69. Agnieszka Gajewicz., How to judge whether QSAR/read-across predictions can be trusted: a novel approach for establishing a model's applicability domain, Environmental Science Nano, 2018, Vol. 5, iss. 2, s. 408-421

70. Izabela Behrendt, Martyna Prądzińska, Marta Spodzieja, Paulina Czaplewska, Aleksandra S. Kołodziejczyk, Aneta Szymańska, Franciszek Kasprzykowski, Susanna L. Lundström, Roman A. Zubarev, Sylwia Rodziewicz-Motowidło., Identification and characterization of antibodies elicited by human cystatin C fragment, Journal of Molecular Recognition, 2018, Vol. 31, iss. 4, art. no. e2689, s. 1-13

71. Alina Mieczkowska, Adriana Schumacher, Natalia Filipowicz, Anna Wardowska, Maciej Zieliński, Piotr Madanecki, Ewa Nowicka, Paulina Langa, Milena Deptuła, Jacek Zieliński, Karolina Kondej, Alicja Renkielska, Patrick G. Buckley, David K. Crossman, Michael R. Crowley, Artur Czupryn, Piotr Mucha, Paweł Sachadyn, Łukasz Janus, Piotr Skowron, Sylwia Rodziewicz-Motowidło, Mirosława Cichorek, Michał Pikuła, Arkadiusz Piotrowski., Immunophenotyping and transcriptional profiling of in vitro cultured human adipose tissue derived stem cells, Scientific Reports, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 8, art. no. 11339, s. 1-13

72. Magdalena Joanna Grzeszczuk, Aleksandra Bąk, Anna Marta Banaś, Paweł Urbanowicz, Stanisław Dunin-Horkawicz, Artur Giełdoń, Cezary Czaplewski, Adam Liwo, Elżbieta K. Jagusztyn-Krynicka, Impact of selected amino acids of HP0377 (Helicobacter pylori thiol oxidoreductase) on its functioning as a CcmG (cytochrome c maturation) protein and Dsb (disulfide bond) isomerase, PLoS One, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 13, iss. 4, art. no. e0195358, s. 1-27

73. Kornphimol Kulthong, Loes Duivenvoorde, Barbara Mizera, Deborah Rijkers, Guillaume ten Dam, Gerlof Oegema, Tomasz Puzyn, Hans Bouwmeester, Meike van der Zande., Implementation of a dynamic intestinal gut-on-achip barrier model for transport studies of lipophilic dioxin congeners, RSC Advances, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 8, iss. 57, s. 32440-32453

74. M. Presler, A. Wojtczyk-Miaskowska, B. Schlichtholz, A. Kaluzny, Michał Matuszewski, Adriana Mika, T. Sledzinski, J. Swierczynski., Increased expression of the gene encoding stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 in human bladder cancer, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 2018, Vol. 447, no. 1-2, s. 217-224

75. S. Fudala-Książek, M. Sobaszek, A. Luczkiewicz, Aleksandra Pieczyńska, Aleksandra Ofiarska, Agnieszka Fiszka-Borzyszkowska, M. Sawczak, M. Ficek, Ewa Maria Siedlecka., Influence of the boron doping level on the electrochemical oxidation of raw landfill leachates: advanced pre-treatment prior to the biological nitrogen removal, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, Vol. 334, s. 1074-1084

76. Patrycja Parnicka, Paweł Mazierski, Tomasz Grzyb, Wojciech Lisowski, Ewa Kowalska, Bunsho Ohtani, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska, Joanna Nadolna., Influence of the preparation method on the photocatalytic activity of Nd-modified TiO2, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 9, s. 447-459

77. Sylvain D. Vallet, Adriana E. Miele, Urszula Uciechowska-Kaczmarzyk, Adam Liwo, Bertrand Duclos, Sergey A. Samsonov, Sylvie Ricard-Blum., Insights into the structure and dynamics of lysyl oxidase propeptide, a flexible protein with numerous partners, Scientific Reports, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 8, art. no. 11768, s. 1-16

78. Joanna Makowska, Aleksandra Tesmar, Dariusz Wyrzykowski, Lech Chmurzyński., Investigation of the binding properties of the cosmetic peptide argireline and its derivatives towards copper(II) ions, Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 47, iss. 1, s. 80-91

79. Natalia Miękus, Ilona Olędzka, Natalia Kossakowska, Alina Plenis, Piotr Kowalski, Adam Prahl, Tomasz Bączek., Ionic liquids as signal amplifiers for the simultaneous extraction of several neurotransmitters determined by micellar electrokinetic chromatography, Talanta, 2018, Vol. 186, s. 119-123

80. Dagmara I. Strumińska-Parulska, Grzegorz Olszewski., Is ecological food also radioecological? - 210Po and 210Pb studies, Chemosphere, 2018, Vol. 191, s. 190-195

81. Agnieszka Piotrowska-Kirschling, Joanna Drzeżdżon, Lech Chmurzyński, Dagmara Jacewicz., Kinetics and thermodynamic of reaction of oxydiacetate copper(II) complex with 2,2'-bipyridine and 1,10-phenanthroline in anionic and cationic surfactant solutions, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018, Vol. 264, s. 470-475

82. J. Ameixa, E. Arthur-Baidoo, R. Meissner, Samanta Makurat, Witold Kozak, Kamila Butowska, F. Ferreira da Silva, Janusz Rak, S. Denifl., Low-energy electron-induced decomposition of 5-trifluoromethanesulfonyl-uracil: a potential radiosensitizer, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018, Vol. 149, no. 16, art. no. 164307, s. 1-9

83. Agata Gitlin-Domagalska, Martin Mangold, Dawid Dębowski, Natalia Ptaszyńska, Anna Łęgowska, Michael Gütschow, Krzysztof Rolka., Matriptase-2: monitoring and inhibiting its proteolytic activity, Future Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 10, no. 23, s. 2745-2761

84. Olimpia Rybacka, Piotr Skurski., Mechanism of the ethanol-based (C2H5OH2)+(SbF6)- salt formation by the superacid-catalyzed acetaldehyde hydrogenation, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 2018, Vol. 137, iss. 9, art. no. 121, s. 1-6

85. Agnieszka Chylewska, Małgorzata Biedulska, Przemysław Sumczyński, Mariusz Makowski, Metallopharmaceuticals in therapy - a new horizon for scientific research, Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 25, iss. 15, s. 1729-1791

86. Celina Sikorska., Mg3F7: A superhalogen with potential for new nanomaterials design, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 118, no. 21, art. no. e25728, s. 1-15

87. Jerzy Falandysz., Mineral constituents in Leccinum scabrum from lowland locations in the central Europe and their relation to concentration in forest topsoil, Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part B, Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 2018, Vol. 53, iss. 8, s. 546-560

88. Urszula Uciechowska-Kaczmarzyk, Sándor Babik, Ferenc Zsila, Krzysztof [chemia] Bojarski, Tamás Beke-Somfai, Sergey A. Samsonov., Molecular dynamics-based model of VEGF-A and its heparin interactions, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 2018, Vol. 82, s. 157-166

89. Karolina Jagiełło, Samanta Makurat, Sylwester Pereć, Janusz Rak, Tomasz Puzyn., Molecular features of thymidine analogues governing the activity of human thymidine kinase, Structural Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 29, iss. 5, s. 1367-1374

90. Ferenc Zsila, Sergey A. Samsonov., Molecular interactions of the anticancer agent ellipticine with glycosaminoglycans by in silico analysis, Carbohydrate Research, 2018, Vol. 462, s. 28-33

91. Andrzej S. Skwarecki, Kornelia Skarbek, Dorota Martynow, Marcin Serocki, Irena Bylińska, Maria J. Milewska, Sławomir Milewski., Molecular umbrellas modulate the selective toxicity of polyene macrolide antifungals, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 29, iss. 4, s. 1454-1465

92. Grzegorz Machnik, Estera Skudrzyk, Łukasz Bułdak, Jarosław Ruczyński, Agnieszka Kozłowska, Piotr Mucha, Piotr Rekowski, Witold Szkróbka, Marcin Basiak,

Aleksandra Bołdys, Helena Sławska, Bogusław Okopień., Monitoring the transcriptional activity of human endogenous retroviral HERV-W family using PNA strand invasion into double-stranded DNA, Molecular Biotechnology, 2018, Vol. 60, iss. 2, s. 124-133

93. Anna Krukowska, Grzegorz Trykowski, Michał Jerzy Winiarski, Tomasz Klimczuk, Wojciech Lisowski, Alicja Mikołajczyk, Henry P. Pinto, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska., Mono- and bimetallic nanoparticles decorated KTaO3 photocatalysts with improved Vis and UV-Vis light activity, Applied Surface Science, 2018, Vol. 441, s. 993-1011

94. Anna Krukowska, Grzegorz Trykowski, Wojciech Lisowski, Tomasz Klimczuk, Michal Jerzy Winiarski, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska., Monometallic nanoparticles decorated and rare earth ions doped KTaO3/K2Ta2O6 photocatalysts with enhanced pollutant decomposition and improved H2 generation, Journal of Catalysis, 2018, Vol. 364, s. 371-381

95. Maciej Barycki, Anita Sosnowska, Karolina Jagiełło, Tomasz Puzyn., Multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) as a feature selecting strategy in the development of ionic liquids' quantitative toxicity-toxicity relationship models, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2018, Vol. 58, iss. 12, s. 2467-2476

96. Alicja Mikołajczyk, Agnieszka Gajewicz, Ewa Mulkiewicz, Bakhtiyor Rasulev, Martyna Marchelek, Magdalena Diak, Seishiro Hirano, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska, Tomasz Puzyn., Nano-QSAR modeling for ecosafe design of heterogeneous TiO2-based nano-photocatalysts, Environmental Science Nano, 2018, Vol. 5, iss. 5, s. 1150-1160

97. Natalia Nowacka-Jechalke, Renata Nowak, Marek Juda, Anna Malm, Marta Lemieszek, Wojciech Rzeski, Zbigniew Kaczyński., New biological activity of the polysaccharide fraction from Cantharellus cibarius and its structural characterization, Food Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 268, s. 355-361

98. Irena Bylińska, Katarzyna Guzow, Justyna Wójcik, Wiesław Wiczk., New non-protienogenic fluorescent amino acids: Benzoxazol-5-yl-alanine derivatives containing acetylene unit. Synthesis, spectral and photophysical properties, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. A, Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 364, s. 679-685

99. Joanna Drzeżdżon, Artur Sikorski, Lech Chmurzyński, Dagmara Jacewicz., New type of highly active chromium(III) catalysts containing both organic cations and anions designed for polymerization of beta-olefin derivatives, Scientific Reports, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 8, art. no. 2315, s. 1-8

100. Joanna Drzeżdżon, Artur Sikorski, Lech Chmurzyński, Dagmara Jacewicz., Oligomerization of 2-chloroallyl alcohol by 2-pyridinecarboxylate complex of chromium(III) - new highly active and selective catalyst, Scientific Reports, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 8, art. no. 8632, s. 1-7

101. Grzegorz Olszewski, Pål Andersson, Patric Lindahl, Mats Eriksson., On the distribution and inventories of radionuclides in dated sediments around the Swedish coast, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2018, Vol. 186, s. 142-151

102. Natalia Gruba, Jose Ignacio Rodriguez Martinez, Renata Grzywa, Magdalena Wysocka, Marcin Skoreński, Agnieszka Dabrowska, Maria Łęcka, Piotr Suder, Marcin Sieńczyk, Krzysztof Pyrc, Adam Lesner., One Step Beyond: Design of Substrates Spanning Primed Positions of Zika Virus NS2B-NS3 Protease, ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 9, iss. 10, s. 1025-1029

103. Robert Bogdanowicz, Paweł Niedziałkowski, Michał Sobaszek, Dariusz Burnat, Wioleta Białobrzeska, Zofia Cebula, Petr Sezemsky, Marcin Koba, Vitezslav Stranak, Tadeusz Ossowski, Mateusz Śmietana., Optical detection of ketoprofen by its electropolymerization on an indium tin oxide-coated optical fiber probe, Sensors, 2018, Vol. 18, iss. 5, art. no. 1361, s. 1-15

104. Mateusz Śmietana, Michał Sobaszek, Bartłosz Michalak, Paweł Niedziałkowski, Wioleta Białobrzeska, Marcin Koba, Petr Sezemsky, Vitezslav Stranak, Jakub

Karczewski, Tadeusz Ossowski, Robert Bogdanowicz., Optical monitoring of electrochemical processes with ITO-based lossy-mode resonance optical fiber sensor applied as an electrode, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2018, Vol. 36, is. 4, s. 954-960

105. Celina Sikorska., Oxidizing metal oxides with polynuclear superhalogen: an ab initio study, The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 2018, Vol. 122, no. 37, s. 7328-7338

106. Tomasz Puzyn, Nina Jeliazkova, Haralambos Sarimveis, Richard L. Marchese Robinson, Vladimir Lobaskin, Robert Rallo, Andrea-N. Richarz, Agnieszka Gajewicz, Manthos G. Papadopulos, Janna Hastings, Mark T. D. Cronin, Emilio Benfenati, Alberto Fernández., Perspectives from the NanoSafety Modelling Cluster on the validation criteria for (Q)SAR models used in nanotechnology, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2018, Vol. 112, s. 478-494

107. Adriana Mika, Małgorzata Sikorska-Wiśniewska, Sylwia Małgorzewicz, Piotr Stepnowski, Alicja Dębska-Ślizień, Tomasz Śledziński, Michał Chmielewski., Potential contribution of monounsaturated fatty acids to cardiovascular risk in chronic kidney disease, Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnętrznej, 2018, Vol. 128, no. 12, s. 755-763

108. Anna Rybińska-Fryca, Anita Sosnowska, Tomasz Puzyn., Prediction of dielectric constant of ionic liquids, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018, Vol. 260, s. 57-64

109. Adam K. Sieradzan, Łukasz Golon, Adam Liwo., Prediction of DNA and RNA structure with the NARES-2P force field and conformational space annealing, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, Vol. 20, no. 29, s. 19656-19663

110. Agnieszka Karczyńska, Magdalena Mozolewska, Paweł Krupa, Artur Giełdoń, Adam Liwo, Cezary Czaplewski., Prediction of protein structure with the coarse-grained UNRES force field assisted by small X-ray scattering data and knowledge-based information, Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics, 2018, Vol. 86, spec. iss. S1, s. 228-239

111. Krzysztof Lipka, Martyna Saba, Jerzy Falandysz., Preferential accumulation of inorganic elements in Amanita muscaria from North-eastern Poland, Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A, Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, 2018, Vol. 53, iss. 11, s. 968-974

112. Michał Toński, Joanna Dołżonek, Monika Paszkiewicz, Jerzy Wojsławski, Piotr Stepnowski, Anna Białk-Bielińska., Preliminary evaluation of the application of carbon nanotubes as potential adsorbents for the elimination of selected anticancer drugs from water matrices, Chemosphere, 2018, Vol. 201, s. 32-40

113. Beata Bajorowicz, Ewa Kowalska, Joanna Nadolna, Zhishun Wei, Maya Endo, Bunsho Ohtani, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska., Preparation of CdS and Bi2S3 quantum dots co-decorated perovskite-type KNbO3 ternary heterostructure with improved visible light photocatalytic activity and stability for phenol degradation, Dalton Transactions, 2018, Vol. 47, iss. 42, s. 15232-1524

114. Grzegorz Siedlewicz, Anna Białk-Bielińska, Marta Borecka, Aleksandra Winogradow, Piotr Stepnowski, Ksenia Pazdro., Presence, concentrations and risk assessment of selected antibiotic residues in sediments and near-bottom waters collected from the Polish coastal zone in the southern Baltic Sea - summary of 3 years of studies, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018, Vol. 129, iss. 2, s. 787-801

115. Gergely Kohut, Adam Liwo, Szilvia Bøsze, Tamás Beke-Somfai, Sergey A. Samsonov., Protein-ligand interaction energy-based entropy calculations: fundamental challenges for flexible systems, Journal of Physical Chemistry. B, 2018, Vol. 122, iss. 32, s. 7821-7827

116. Beata Bajorowicz, Marek P. Kobylański, Anna Gołąbiewska, Joanna Nadolna, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska, Anna Malankowska., Quantum dot-decorated semiconductor micro- and nanoparticles: a review o

and application in photocatalysis, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2018, Vol. 256, s. 352-372

117. Anna Krukowska, Michał Jerzy Winiarski, Judyta Strychalska-Nowak, Tomasz Klimczuk, Wojciech Lisowski, Alicja Mikołajczyk, Henry P. Pinto, Tomasz Puzyn, Tomasz Grzyb, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska., Rare earth ions doped K2Ta2O6 photocatalysts with enhanced UV-vis light activity, Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental, 2018, Vol. 224, s. 451-468

118. Francisca A. e Silva, Magda Caban, Mariam Kholany, Piotr Stepnowski, João A. P. Coutinho, Sónia P. M. Ventura., Recovery of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from wastes using ionic-liquid-based three-phase partitioning systems, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 6, iss. 4, s. 4574-4585

119. M. K. Lesiów, U. K. Komarnicka, K. Stokowa-Sołtys, Krzysztof Rolka, Anna Łęgowska, Natalia Ptaszyńska, R. Wieczorek, A. Kyzioł, M. Jeżowska-Bojczuk., Relationship between copper(II) complexes with FomA adhesin fragments of F.nucleatum and colorectal cancer. Coordination pattern and ability to promote ROS production, Dalton Transactions, 2018, Vol. 47, iss. 15, s. 5445-5458

120. Eshel Faraggi, Paweł Krupa, Magdalena A. Mozolewska, Adam Liwo, Andrzej Kloczkowski., Reoptimized UNRES potential for protein model quality assessment, Genes, 2018, Vol. 9, no. 12, art. no. 601, s. 1-17

121. Natalia Sizochenko, Agnieszka Gajewicz, Jerzy Leszczynski, Tomasz Puzyn, Reply to the comment on "Causation or only correlation? Application of causal inference graphs for evaluating causality in nano-QSAR models" by D. A. Tasi, J. Csontos, B. Nagy, Z. Kónya and G. Tasi, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, C8NR02377H, Nanoscale, 2018, Vol. 10, no. 44, s. 20867-20868

122. Ewelina Barcińska, Justyna Wierzbicka, Agata Zauszkiewicz-Pawlak, Dagmara Jacewicz, Aleksandra Dąbrowska, Iwona Inkielewicz-Stepniak., Role of oxidative and nitro-oxidative damage in silver nanoparticles cytotoxic effect against human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2018, Vol. 2018, art. ID 8251961, s. 1-15

123. Piotr Mucha, Małgorzata Pieszko, Anna Miszka, Jarosław Ruczyński, Piotr Rekowski, Izabela Załuska, Agnieszka Kozłowska, Adriana Schumacher, Milena Deptuła, Michał Pikuła., Ru(II)-mediated synthesis and bioactivity evaluation of 1,4,5- trisubstituted N-phthalimido protected 5-bromo-1,2,3-triazolic amino acid, Letters in Organic Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 15, iss. 4, s. 282-289

124. Piotr M. Skowron, Andrew Kropinski, Joanna Żebrowska, Łukasz Janus, Kasjan Szemiako, Edyta Czajkowska, Natalia Maciejewska, Małgorzata Skowron, Joanna Łoś, Marcin Łoś, Agnieszka Żylicz-Stachula., Sequence, genome organization, annotation and proteomics of the thermophilic, 47.7-kb Geobacillus stearothermophilus bacteriophage TP-84 and its classification in the new Tp84virus genus, PLoS One, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 13, iss. 4, art. no. e0195449, s. 1-23

125. . Julia Zwara, Ewelina Grabowska, Tomasz Klimczak, Wojciech Lisowski, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska., Shape-dependent enhanced photocatalytic effect under visible light of Ag3PO4 particles, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. A, Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 367, s. 240-252

126. Adam K. Sieradzan, Agnieszka G. Lipska, Emilia A. Lubecka., Shielding effect in protein folding, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 2018, Vol. 79, s. 118-132

127. Emilia Sikorska, Oktawian Stachurski, Damian Neubauer, Izabela Małuch, Dariusz Wyrzykowski, Marta Bauer, Krzysztof Brzozowski, Wojciech Kamysz., Short arginine-rich lipopeptides: from self-assembly to antimicrobial activity, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes, 2018, Vol. 1860, iss. 11, s. 2242-2251

128. Marcin Czapla., Silicon amino acids, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 118, iss. 3, art. no. e25488, s. 1-8

129. Magda Caban, Piotr Stepnowski., Silylation of acetaminophen by trifluoroacetamide-based silylation agents, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2018, Vol. 154, s. 433-437

130. Iwona Anusiewicz, Sylwia Freza, Piotr Skurski., Stability of the TinF-4n+1 and GenF-4n+1 superhalogen anions and the acidity of the HTinF4n+1 and HGenF4n+1 (n = 1-3) superacids, Polyhedron, 2018, Vol. 144, s. 125-130

131. Illia E. Serdiuk, Michał Wera, Alexander D. Roshal., Structural and spectral features of 4'-substituted 2'-hydroxychalcones in solutions and crystals: spectroscopic and theoretical investigations, The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 2018, Vol. 122, no. 8, s. 2030-2038

132. Martyna Marchelek, Ewelina Grabowska, Tomasz Klimczuk, Wojciech Lisowski, Elio Giamello, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska., Studies on novel BiyXz-TiO2/SrTiO3 composites: surface properties and visible light-driven photoactivity, Applied Surface Science, 2018, Vol. 435, s. 1174-1186

133. Emilia Iłowska, Justyna Sawicka, Aneta Szymańska., Synthesis and physicochemical studies of amyloidogenic hexapeptides derived from human cystatin C, Journal of Peptide Science, 2018, Vol. 24, iss. 4-5, art. no. e3073, s. 1-11

134. Grzegorz Romanowski, Jaromir Kira, Michał Wera., Synthesis, structure, spectroscopic characterization and catalytic activity of chiral dioxidomolybdenum(VI) Schiff base complexes derived from R(-)-2-amino-1-propanol, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2018, Vol. 483, s. 156-164

135. Małgorzata Szyszkowska, Irena Bylińska, Wiesław Wiczk., Temperature-dependence of spectral and photophysical properties of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon derivatives of acetylene and buta-1,3-diyne, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. A, Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 358, s. 236-245

136. Olimpia Rybacka, Jakub Brzeski, Iwona Anusiewicz, Piotr Skurski., The acid strength of the datively bound complexes involving AlF3 lone pair acceptor and various lone pair donors, Chemical Physics Letters, 2018, Vol. 706, s. 488-493

137. Jakub Brzeski, Iwona Anusiewicz, Piotr Skurski., The acid strength of the HClO4/n(AlF3) and HClO4/n(SbF5) (n = 1-3) Lewis-Brønsted superacids containing the excess of the Lewis acid component, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 2018, Vol. 137, iss. 4, art. no. 57, s. 1-9

138. Sylwia Freza., The cyclization mechanism of cis DAA-DAA dipeptide: an ab initio study, Structural Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 29, no. 4, s. 1025-1029

139. Karoline Nordsieck, Lars Baumann, Vera Hintze, M. Teresa Pisabarro, Matthias Schnabelrauch, Annette G. Beck-Sickinger, Sergey A. Samsonov., The effect of interleukin-8 truncations on its interactions with glycosaminoglycans, Biopolymers, 2018, Vol. 109, iss. 10, s. 1-12

140. Vicki Stone, Martin Führ, Peter H. Feindt, Hans Bouwmeester, Igor Linkov, Stefania Sabella, Finbarr Murphy, Kilian Bizer, Lang Tran, Marlene Ågerstrand, Carlos Fito, Torben Andersen, Diana Anderson, Enrico Bergamaschi, John W. Cherrie, Sue Cowan, Jean-Francois Dalemcourt, Michael Faure, Silke Gabbert, Agnieszka Gajewicz, Teresa F. Fernandes, Danail Hristozov, Helinor J. Johnston, Terry C. Lansdown, Stefan Linder, Hans J. P. Marvin, Martin Mullins, Kai Purnhagen, Tomasz Puzyn, Araceli Sanchez Jimenez, Janeck J. Scott-Fordsmand, George Streftaris, Martie van Tongeren, Nicolas H. Voelcker, George Voyiatzis, Spyros N. Yannopoulos, P. Marijn Poortvliet., The essential elements of a risk governance framework for current and future nanotechnologies, Risk Analysis, 2018, Vol. 38, iss. 7, s. 1321-1331

141. Joanna Drzeżdżon, Dagmara Jacewicz, Lech Chmurzyński., The impact of environmental contamination on the generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species

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142. Krzysztof Żamojć, Wiesław Wiczk, Lech Chmurzyński., The influence of the type of substituents and the solvent on the interactions between different coumarins and selected TEMPO analogues - fluorescence quenching studies, Chemical Physics, 2018, Vol. 513, s. 188-194

143. Justyna Samaszko-Fiertek, Barbara Dmochowska, Rafał Ślusarz, Janusz Madaj., The oxolane ring opening of some muramic acid derivatives under acidic conditions, Letters in Organic Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 15, iss. 8, s. 693-697

144. Joanna Jeżewska-Frąckowiak, Krystyna Seroczyńska, Justyna Banaszczyk, Gabriela Jędrzejczak, Agnieszka Żylicz-Stachula, Piotr M. Skowron., The promises and risks of probiotic Bacillus species, Acta Biochimica Polonica, 2018, Vol. 65, iss. 4, s. 509-519

145. Paweł Mazierski, Alicja Mikołajczyk, Beata Bajorowicz, Anna Malankowska, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska, Joanna Nadolna., The role of lanthanides in TiO2-based photocatalysis: a review, Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental, 2018, Vol. 233, s. 301-317

146. Brice Korkmaz, George H. Caughey, Iain Chapple, Francis Gauthier, Josefine Hirschfeld, Dieter E. Jenne, Ralph Kettritz, Gilles Lalmanach, Anne-Sophie Lamort, Conni Lauritzen, Monika Łęgowska, Adam Lesner, Sylvain Marchand-Adam, Sarah J. McKaig, Celia Moss, John Pedersen, Helen Roberts, Adrian Schreiber, Seda Seren, Nalin S. Thakkar., Therapeutic targeting of cathepsin C: from pathophysiology to treatment, Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2018, Vol. 190, s. 202-236

147. Justyna Bednarko, Oktawian Stachurski, Justyna Wielińska, Karol Kozakiewicz, Beata Liberek, Andrzej Nowacki., Threocytidines: insight into the conformational preferences of artificial threose nucleic acid (TNA) building blocks in B3LYP studies, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 2018, Vol. 80, s. 157-172

148. Anna Malankowska, Marek P. Kobylański, Alicja Mikołajczyk, Onur Cavdar, Grzegorz Nowaczyk, Marcin Jarek, Wojciech Lisowski, Monika Michalska, Ewa Kowalska, Bunsho Ohtani, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska., TiO2 and NaTaO3 decorated by trimetallic Au/Pd/Pt core-shell nanoparticles as efficient photocatalysts: experimental and computational studies, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, [dokument elektroniczny], 2018, Vol. 6, iss. 12, s. 16665-16682

149. Marcin Czapla, Piotr Skurski., Toward the preparation of the HAuF6, HAu2F11, and HAu3F16 superacids: theoretical study, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 118, iss. 4, e25494, s. 1-8

150. Randy Chi Fai Cheung, Jack Ho Wong, Tzi Bun Ng, Ryno Naude, Krzysztof Rolka, Ryan Tse, Tak Fu Tse, Helen Chan, Stephen Cho Wing Sze., Tuber lectins with potentially exploitable bioactivities, Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 25, iss. 42, s. 5986-6001

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1. Adam K. Sieradzan, Agnieszka G. Lipska, Emilia A. Lubecka., Shielding effect in protein folding, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 2018, Vol. 79, s. 118-132

2. Leszek Łęczyński, Żaneta Kłostowska, Grzegorz Kusza, Tadeusz Ossowski, Bartłomiej Arciszewski, Radomił Koza., The impact of grain size composition and organic matter content on magnetic susceptibility of anthropogenically transformed bottom sediments, as exemplified by the former naval harbour in Hel, GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences, 2018, s. 91-102

3. Marek P. Kobylański, Paweł Mazierski, Anna Malankowska, Magda Kozak, Magdalena Diak, Michał Jerzy Winiarski, Tomasz Klimczuk, Wojciech Lisowski, Grzegorz Nowaczyk, Adriana Zaleska-Medynska., TiO2-CoxOy composite nanotube arrays via one step electrochemical anodization for visible light-induced photocatalytic reaction, Surfaces and Interfaces, 2018, Vol. 12, s. 179-189