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Faculty of Chemisty Publications in 2012

Last modified: 
2015, April 3 - 9:31am

Publikacje w czasopismach z listy filadelfijskiej w 2012 roku

  1. Stephanie Steudte, Piotr Stepnowski, Chul-Woong Cho, Jorg Thöming, Stefan Stolte, (Eco)toxicity of fluoro-organic and cyano-based ionic liquid anions, Chemical Communications 48 (2012) 9382-9384. IF = 6.169
  2. Elżbieta Wnuk, Paweł Niedziałkowski, Damian Trzybiński, Tadeusz Ossowski 1-(Piperidin-1-yl)-9,10-anthraquinone, Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 68 (2012) 2879. IF = 0.347
  3. Michał Wera, Andriy G. Chalyi, Alexander D. Roshal, Jerzy Błażejowski, 2-(4-Fluorophenyl)-2H-chromen-4(3H)- one, Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 68 (2012) 253-254. IF = 0.347
  4. Katarzyna Guzow, Daria Jażdżewska, Wiesław Wiczk, 3-[2-(Boronophenyl)benzoxazol-5-yl]alanine derivatives as fluorescent monosaccharide sensors, Tetrahedron 68 (2012) 9240-9248. IF = 3.025
  5. Damian Trzybiński, Andrzej Sieradzan, Karol Krzymiński, Jerzy Błażejowski, 9-(2-Bromophenoxycarbonyl)-10-methylacridinium trifluoromethanesulfonate Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 68 (2012) 1722-1723. IF = 0.347
  6. Damian Trzybiński, Agnieszka Ożóg, Karol Krzymiński, Jerzy Błażejowski 9-(3-Fluorophenoxycarbonyl)-10-methylacridinium trifluoromethanesulfonate monohydrate, Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 68 (2012) 625-626. IF = 0.347
  7. Małgorzata Dawgul, Wioletta Barańska-Rybak, Elżbieta Kamysz, Anna Karafova, Roman Nowicki, Wojciech Kamysz, Activity of short lipopeptides and conventional antimicrobials against planktonic cells and biofilms formed by clinical strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Future Medicinal Chemistry 4 (2012) 1541-1551. IF = 2.522
  8. Ewa Maria Siedlecka, Stefan Stolte, Marek Gołębiowski, Anne Nienstedt, Piotr Stepnowski, Jorg Thöming, Advanced oxidation process for the removal of ionic liquids from water: the influence of functionalized side chains on the electrochemical degradability of imidazolium cations, Separation and Purification Technology 101 (2012) 26-33. IF = 2.921
  9. Agnieszka Gajewicz, Bakhtiyor Rasulev, Tandabany C. Dinadayalane, Piotr Urbaszek, Tomasz Puzyn, Danuta Leszczyńska, Jerzy Leszczyński, Advancing risk assessment of engineered nanomaterials: application of computational approaches, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 64 (2012) 1663-1693. IF = 11.502
  10. Dagmara Jacewicz, Krzysztof Żamojć, Lech Chmurzyński, Analytical methods for determination of .NO and .NO2 and their applicability in biological studies, Current Pharmaceutical Analysis 8 (2012) 115-134. IF = 1.155
  11. Marek Gołębiowski, Małgorzata Dawgul, Wojciech Kamysz, Mieczysława I. Boguś, Wioletta Wieloch, Emilia Włóka, Monika Paszkiewicz, Elżbieta Przybysz, Piotr Stepnowski, Antimicrobial activity of alcohols from Musca domestica, Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (2012) 3419-3428. IF = 2.996
  12. Justyna Czupryniak, Aleksandra Fabiańska, Piotr Stepnowski, Tadeusz Ossowski, Robert Bogdanowicz, Marcin Gnyba, Ewa Maria Siedlecka, Application of BDD thin film electrode for electrochemical decomposition of heterogeneous aromatic compounds, Central European Journal of Physics 10 (2012) 1183-1189. IF = 0.909
  13. Andrey Krokhotin, Adam Liwo, Antti J. Niemi, Harold A. Scheraga, Coexistence of phases in a protein heterodimer, Journal of Chemical Physics 137 (2012) art. nr. 035101. IF = 3.333
  14. Maciej Harańczyk, Piotr Urbaszek, Esmond G. Ng, Tomasz Puzyn, Combinatorial x computational x cheminformatics (C3) approach to characterization of congeneric libraries of organic pollutants, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 52 (2012), 2902-2909. IF = 4.675
  15. Jerzy Falandysz, Comments on "Determination of mercury, cadmium, lead, zinc, selenium and iron by ICP-OES in mushroom samples from around thermal power plant in Mugla, Turkey", Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 88 (2012) 651-653. IF = 1.018
  16. Marek Gołębiowski, Comparison of free fatty acids composition of cuticular lipids of Calliphora vicina larvae and pupae, Lipids 47 (2012) 1001-1009. IF = 2.129
  17. Jing Pan, Yongliang Yang, Sachi Taniyasu, Leo Wai Yin Yeung, Jerzy Falandysz, Nobuyoshi Yamashita, Comparison of historical record of PCDD/Fs, Dioxin-Like PCBs, and PCNs in sediment cores from Jiaozhou Bay and Coastal Yellow Sea : implication of different sources, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology89 (2012) 1240-1246. IF = 1.018
  18. Jerzy Falandysz, Krzysztof Chudzyński, Anna K. Kojta, Grażyna Jarzyńska, Małgorzata Drewnowska, Comparison of two acid extraction methods for determination of minerals in soils beneath to Larch Bolete (Suillus grevillei) and aimed to estimate minerals sequestration potential in fruiting bodies, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 47 (2012) 1607-1613. IF = 1.190
  19. Aleksandra Urbanek, Ryszard Szadziewski, Piotr Stepnowski, Joanna Boros-Majewska, Iwona Gabriel, Małgorzata Dawgul, Wojciech Kamysz, Danuta Sosnowska, Marek Gołębiowski, Composition and antimicrobial activity of fatty acids detected in the hygroscopic secretion collected from the secretory setae of larvae of the biting midge Forcipomyia nigra (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), Journal of Insect Physiology 58 (2012) 1265-1276. IF = 2.236
  20. Adriana Mika, Marek Gołębiowski, Edward Skorkowski, Piotr Stepnowski, Composition of fatty acids and sterols composition in brown shrimp Crangon crangon and herring Clupea harengus membras from the Baltic Sea, Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 41 (2012) 57-64. IF = 0.291
  21. Aneta Lewkowicz, Piotr Bojarski, Anna Synak, Beata Grobelna, Irina Akopova, Ignacy Gryczyński, Leszek Kułak, Concentration-dependent fluorescence properties of rhodamine 6G in titanium dioxide and silicon dioxide nanolayers, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (2012) 12304-12311. IF = 4.805
  22. Grażyna Jarzyńska, Aleksandra Chojnacka, Anna Dryżałowska, Innocent C. Nnorom, Jerzy Falandysz, Concentrations and bioconcentration factors of minerals in Yellow-cracking Bolete (Xerocomus Subtomentosus) mushroom collected in Noteć Forest, Journal of Food Science 77 (2012) H202-H206. IF = 1.658
  23. Kazimierz Zalewski, Jerzy Falandysz, Monika Jadacka, Dorota Martysiak-Żurowska, Bartosz Nitkiewicz, Zygmunt Giżejewski, Concentrations of heavy metals and PCBs in the tissues of European beavers (Castor fiber) captured in northeastern Poland, European Journal of Wildlife Research 58 (2012) 655-660. IF = 1.306
  24. Anna Hałabis, Wioletta Żmudzińska, Adam Liwo, Stanisław Ołdziej, Conformational dynamics of the trp-cage miniprotein at its folding temperature, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116 (2012) 6898-6907. IF = 3.696
  25. Emilia Sikorska, Dariusz Sobolewski, Anna Kwiatkowska, Conformational preferences of proline derivatives incorporated into vasopressin analogues: NMR and molecular modelling studies, Chemical Biology & Drug Design 79 (2012) 535-547. IF = 2.282
  26. Elżbieta Jankowska, Marta Pietruszka, Teresa Kowalik-Jankowska, Coordination of copper(II) ions by the fragments of neuropeptide gamma containing D1, H9, H12 residues and products of copper-catalyzed oxidation, Dalton Transactions 41 (2012) 1683-1694. IF = 3.838
  27. Marek Gołębiowski, Monika Paszkiewicz, Anna Grubba, Dagmara Gąsiewska, M. I. Boguś, E. Włóka, E. Wieloch, Piotr Stepnowski, Cuticular and internal n-alkane composition of Lucilia sericata larvae, pupae, male and female imagines: application of HPLC-LLSD and GC/MS-SIM, Bulletin of Entomological Research 102 (2012) 453-460. IF = 1.882
  28. Anna Kwiatkowska, Monika Ptach, Lenka Borovičková, Jiřina Slaninová, Bernard Lammek, Adam Prahl, Design, synthesis and biological activity of new neurohypophyseal hormones analogues conformationally restricted in the N-terminal part of the molecule. Highly potent OT receptor antagonists, Amino Acids 43 (2012) 617-627. IF = 3.248
  29. Nelson H. Caicedo, Jolanta Kumirska, Jennifer Neumann, Stefan Stolte, Jorg Thöming, Detection of bioactive exometabolites produced by the filamentous marine cyanobacterium Geitlerinema sp Marine Biotechnology 14 (2012) 436-445. IF = 3.430
  30. Wojciech Mrozik, Aleksandra Markowska, Łukasz Guzik, Bartłomiej Kraska, Wojciech Kamysz, Determination of counter-ions in synthetic peptides by ion chromatography, capillary isotachophoresis and capillary electrophoresis, Journal of Peptide Science 18 (2012) 192-198. IF = 1.799
  31. Adam K. Sieradzan, Harold A. Scheraga, Adam Liwo, Determination of effective potentials for the stretching of C....C. virtual bonds in polypeptide chains for coarse-grained simulations of proteins from ab initio energy surfaces of N-methylacetamide and N-acetylpyrrolidine, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 8 (2012) 1334-1343. IF = 5.215
  32. Jerzy Falandysz, Paweł Rostkowski, Grażyna Jarzyńska, Jaromir J. Falandysz, Sachi Taniyasu, Nobuyoshi Yamashita, Determination of perfluorinated alkylated substances in sediments and sediment core from the Gulf of Gdańsk, Baltic Sea, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A : Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 47 (2012) 428-434. IF = 1.190
  33. Iwona Świerszcz, Piotr Skurski, Jack Simons, Dipole and coulomb forces in electron capture dissociation and electron transfer dissociation mass spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 116 (2012) 1828-1837. IF = 2.946
  34. Gia G. Maisuradze, Rui Zhou, Adam Liwo, Yi Xiao, Harold A. Scheraga, Effects of mutation, truncation, and temperature on the folding kinetics of a WW domain, Journal of Molecular Biology 420 (2012) 350-365. IF = 4.001
  35. Aleksandra Fabiańska, Tadeusz Ossowski, Piotr Stepnowski, S. Stolte, J. Thöming, Ewa Maria Siedlecka, Electrochemical oxidation of imidazolium-based ionic liquids : the influence of anions, Chemical Engineering Journal 198/199 (2012) 338-345. IF = 3.461
  36. Aleksandra Fabiańska, Tadeusz Ossowski, Robert Bogdanowicz, Justyna Czupryniak, Marcin Gnyba, Tomasz Odzga, Stoffel D. Janssens, Ken Haenen, Ewa Maria Siedlecka, Electrochemical oxidation of ionic liquids at highly boron doped diamond electrodes, Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science 209 (2012) 1797-1803. IF = 1.463
  37. Katarzyna Polska, Janusz Rak, Andrew Bass, Pierre Cloutier, Leon Sanche, Electron stimulated desorption of anions from native and brominated single stranded oligonucleotide trimers, Journal of Chemical Physics 136 (2012) art nr 075101. IF = 3.333
  38. Lidia Chomicz, Janusz Rak, Piotr Storoniak, Electron-induced elimination of the bromide anion from brominated nucleobases. A computational study, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116 (2012) 5612-5619. IF = 3.696
  39. Jerzy Ciarkowski, Sylwia Łuczak, Dawid Jagieła, Emilia Sikorska, Jacek Wójcik, Marta Oleszczuk, Jan Izdebski, Ensemble fits of restrained peptides' conformational equilibria to NMR data. Dependence on force fields: AMBER/8 ff03 versus ECEPP/3, Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling 32 (2012) 67-74. IF = 2.184
  40. Agata J. Wilczyńska-Piliszek, Sławomir Piliszek, Jerzy Falandysz, Estimation of KOA values of 209 polychlorinated trans-azobenzenes by PM6 and DFT methods, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B : Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. 47 (2012) 562-570. IF = 0.886
  41. Adam K. Sieradzan, Ulrich H. E. Hansmann, Harold A. Scheraga, Adam Liwo, Extension of UNRES force field to treat polypeptide chains with D-amino acid residues, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 8 (2012) 4746-4757. IF = 5.215
  42. Adam K. Sieradzan, Adam Liwo, Ulrich H. E. Hansmann, Folding and self-assembly of a small protein complex, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 8 (2012) 3416-3422. IF = 5.215
  43. Andrzej Nowacki, Dominik Walczak, Beata Liberek. Fully acetylated 1,5-anhydro-2-deoxypent-1-enitols and 1,5-anhydro-2,6-dideoxyhex-1-enitols in DFT level theory conformational studies, Carbohydrate Research 352 (2012) 177-185. IF = 2.332
  44. Maciej Bobrowski, Sylwia Freza, Piotr Skurski, Functional thin films resulting from parylene-vinyl copolymerization, Macromolecules 45 (2012) 8532-8546. IF = 5.167
  45. Yeunsoo Park, Katarzyna Polska, Janusz Rak, J. Richard Wagner, Léon Sanche, Fundamental mechanisms of DNA radiosensitization: damage induced by low-energy electrons in brominated oligonucleotide trimers, Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 116 (2012) 9676-9682. IF = 3.696
  46. Joanna Makowska, Dorota Uber, Lech Chmurzyński, Hermodynamics of the protonation equilibria of two fragments of N-terminal .-hairpin of FPB28 WW domain, Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 116 (2012) 653-659. IF = 3.696
  47. Yanping YIn, Gia G. Maisuradze, Adam Liwo, Harold A. Scheraga, Hidden protein folding pathways in free-energy landscapes uncovered by network analysis, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 8 (2012) 1176-1189. IF = 5.215
  48. Emilia A. Lubecka, Jerzy Ciarkowski, Adam Prahl, Emilia Sikorska, Highly potent antidiuretic antagonists: conformational studies of vasopressin analogues modified with 1-naphthylalanine enantiomers at position 2, Chemical Biology & Drug Design. 79 (2012) 1033-1042. IF = 2.282
  49. Anna Białk-Bielińska, Stefan Stolte, Marianne Matzke, Aleksandra Fabiańska, Joanna Maszkowska, Marta Kołodziejska, Beata Liberek, Piotr Stepnowski, Jolanta Kumirska, Hydrolysis of sulphonamides in aqueous solutions, Journal of Hazardous Materials 221/222 (2012) 264-274. IF = 4.173
  50. Stephanie Steudte, Jennifer Neumann, Ulrike Bottin-Weber, Michael Diedenhofen, Jürgen Arning, Piotr Stepnowski, Stefan Stolte, Hydrolysis study of fluoroorganic and cyano-based ionic liquid anions - consequences for operational safety and environmental stability, Green Chemistry 14 (2012) 2474-2483. IF = 6.320
  51. Halina Dziadziuszko, Jolanta Kumirska, Sylwia Muża, Małgorzata Czerwicka, Emilia A. Lubecka, Piotr Stepnowski, Danuta Kunikowska, Immunochemical studies of Salmonella Dakar and Salmonella Telaviv O-antigens (serogroup O:28), FEMS Microbiology Letters. 326 (2012) 55-61. IF = 2.044
  52. Joanna Stróżecka, Elżbieta Chruściel, Emilia Górna, Aneta Szymańska, Szymon Ziętkiewicz, Krzysztof Liberek, Importance of N- and C-terminal regions of IbpA, Escherichia coli small heat shock protein, for chaperone function and oligomerization, Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (2012) 2843-2853. IF = 4.773
  53. Bogdan Skwarzec, Krzysztof Kabat, Tomasz Puzyn, Aleksander Astel, Inflow of polonium, uranium and plutonium radionuclides in Odra River catchment area assessment by environmetric expertise, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 292 (2012) 519-529. IF = 1.520
  54. Joanna Makowska, Adam Liwo, Lech Chmurzyński, Harold A. Scheraga, Influence of the Length of the Alanine Spacer on the Acidic-Basic Properties of the Ac-Lys-(Ala)n-Lys-NH2 Peptides (n = 0, 1, 2, ..., 5), Journal of Solution Chemistry 41 (2012) 1738-1746. IF = 1.415
  55. Dawid Dębowski, Rafał Łukajtis, Anna Łęgowska, Natalia Karna, Michał Pikuła, Magdalena Wysocka, Irena Maliszewska, Marcin Sieńczyk, Adam Lesner, Krzysztof Rolka, Inhibitory and antimicrobial activities of OGTI and HV-BBI peptides, fragments and analogs derived from amphibian skin, Peptides. 35 (2012) 276-284. IF = 2.434
  56. Marta Spodzieja, Aneta Szymańska, Aleksandra Kołodziejczyk, Martyna Prądzińska, Martyna Maszota, Piotr Stefanowicz, Zbigniew Szewczuk, Anders Grubb, Paulina Czaplewska, Interaction of serum amyloid A with human cystatin C-identification of binding sites, Journal of Molecular Recognition. 25 (2012) 513-524. IF = 3.310
  57. Lucia Pisarova, Stephanie Steudte, Nicole Dörr, Ernst Pittenauer, Günter Allmaier, Piotr Stepnowski, Stefan Stolte, Ionic liquid long-term stability assessment and its contribution to toxicity and biodegradation study of untreated and altered ionic liquids, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J : Journal of Engineering Tribology. 226 (2012) 903-922. IF = 0.733
  58. Stefan Stolte, Stephanie Steudte, Olatz Areitioaurtena, Francesco Pagano, Jorg Thöming, Piotr Stepnowski, Amaya Igartua, Ionic liquids as lubricants or lubrication additives : an ecotoxicity and biodegradability assessment, Chemosphere. 89 (2012) 1135-1141. IF = 3.206
  59. Jerzy Falandysz, Anna Orlikowska, Grażyna Jarzyńska, Ilona Bochentin, Barbara Wyrzykowska, Małgorzata Drewnowska, Nobuyashi Hanari, Yuichi Horii, Nobuyoshi Yamashita, Levels and sources of planar and non-planar PCBs in pine needles across Poland, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A : Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 47 (2012) 688-703. IF = 1.190
  60. Joanna Makowska, Adam Liwo, Wioletta Żmudzińska, Agnieszka Lewandowska, Lech Chmurzyński, Harold A. Scheraga, Like-charged residues at the ends of oligoalanine sequences might induce a chain reversal, Biopolymers. 97 (2012) 240-249. IF = 2.870
  61. Sebastian Mahlik, Agata Lazarowska, Beata Grobelna, Marek Grinberg, Luminescence of Gd2 (WO4)3:Ln3+ at ambient and high hydrostatic pressure, Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter. 24 (2012) art. nr 485501. IF = 2.546
  62. Justyna Czupryniak, Paweł Niedziałkowski, Marcin Karbarz, Tadeusz Ossowski, Zbigniew Stojek, Lysine and arginine oligopeptides tagged with anthraquinone: electrochemical properties, Electroanalysis. 24 (2012) 975-982. IF = 2.872
  63. Magda Caban, Natalia Migowska, Piotr Stepnowski, Marek Kwiatkowski, Jolanta Kumirska, Matrix effects and recovery calculations in analyses of pharmaceuticals based on the determination of .-blockers and .-agonists in environmental samples, Journal of Chromatography A. 1258 (2012) 117-127. IF = 4.531
  64. Emilia Sikorska, Emilia Iłowska, Dariusz Wyrzykowski, Anna Kwiatkowska, Membrane structure and interactions of peptide hormones with model lipid bilayers, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes. 1818 (2012) 2982-2993. IF = 3.990
  65. Jerzy Falandysz, Innocent C. Nnorom, Grażyna Jarzyńska, Dominika Romińska, Kamila Damps, Mercury bio-concentration by Puffballs (Lycoperdon perlatum) and evaluation of dietary intake risks, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 89 (2012) 759-763. IF = 1.018
  66. Jerzy Falandysz, Anna K. Kojta, Grażyna Jarzyńska, Małgorzata Drewnowska, Anna Dryżałowska, Daria Wydmańska, Izabela Kowalewska, Anna Wacko, Monika Szlosowska, K. Kannan, P. Szefer, Mercury in bay bolete (Xerocomus badius): bioconcentration by fungus and assessment of element intake by humans eating fruiting bodies, Food Additives and Contaminants, Part A: Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure & Risk Assessment 29 (2012) 951-961. IF = 1.765
  67. Jerzy Falandysz, Ewelina Widzicka, Anna K. Kojta, Grażyna Jarzyńska, Małgorzata Drewnowska, Anna Dryżałowska, Dorota Danisiewicz-Czupryńska, Eliza Lenz, Innocent C. Nnorom, Mercury in Common Chanterelles mushrooms: Cantharellus spp. Update, Food Chemistry 133 (2012) 842-850. IF = 3.655
  68. Małgorzata Drewnowska, Grażyna Jarzyńska, Anna K. Kojta, Jerzy Falandysz, Mercury in European Blushers, Amanita rubescens, mushrooms and topsoils : bioconcentration potential and intake assessment, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. 47 (2012) 466-474. IF = 0.886
  69. Jerzy Falandysz, Izabela Kowalewska, Innocent C. Nnorom, Małgorzata Drewnowska, Grażyna Jarzyńska, Mercury in Red Aspen Boletes (Leccinum aurantiacum) mushrooms and the soils, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A : Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 47 (2012) 1695-1700. IF = 1.190
  70. Małgorzata Drewnowska, Anita Sąpór, Grażyna Jarzyńska, Innocent C. Nnorom, Kenneth S. Sajwan, Jerzy Falandysz, Mercury in Russula mushrooms: bioconcentration by Yellow-ocher Brittle Gills Russula ochroleuca, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 47 (2012) 1577-1591. IF = 1.190
  71. Aleksandra Chojnacka, Małgorzata Drewnowska, Grażyna Jarzyńska, Innocent C. Nnorom, Jerzy Falandysz, Mercury in Yellow-cracking Boletes Xerocomus subtomentosus mushrooms and soils from spatially diverse sites : assessment of bioconcentration potential by species and human intake, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A : Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 47 (2012A) 2094-2100. IF = 1.190
  72. Barbara Wyrzykowska, Jerzy Falandysz, Grażyna Jarzyńska, Metals in edible fish from Vistula River and Dead Vistula River channel, Baltic Sea, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B : Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. 47 (2012) 296-305. IF = 0.886
  73. Anna K. Kojta, Grażyna Jarzyńska, Jerzy Falandysz, Mineral composition and heavy metal accumulation capacity of Bay Bolete (Xerocomus badius) fruiting bodies collected near a former gold and copper mining area, Journal of Geochemical Exploration 121 (2012) 76-82. IF = 1.440
  74. Jerzy Falandysz, Małgorzata Drewnowska, Grażyna Jarzyńska, Dan Zhang, Yu Zhang, Jipeng Wang, Mineral constituents in common Chanterelles and soils collected from a high mountain and lowland sites in Poland, Journal of Mountain Science. 9 (2012) 697-705. IF = 1.000
  75. Jerzy Falandysz, Martin Rose, Alwyn R. Fernandes, Mixed poly-brominated/chlorinated biphenyls (PXBs) : widespread food and environmental contaminants, Environment International. 44 (2012) 118-127. IF = 5.297
  76. Dmitrijs Lapidus, Vita Duka, Vladislavs Stonkus, Cezary Czaplewski, Adam Liwo, Salvador Ventura, Inta Liepina, Multiple .-sheet molecular dynamics of amyloid formation from two ABI-SH3 domain peptides, Biopolymers 98 (2012) 557-566. IF = 2.870
  77. Magdalena Gucia, Grażyna Jarzyńska, Elżbieta Rafał, Magdalena Roszak, Anna K. Kojta, Irena Osiej, Jerzy Falandysz, Multivariate analysis of mineral constituents of edible Parasol Mushroom (Macrolepiota procera) and soils beneath fruiting bodies collected from Northern Poland, Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 19 (2012) 416-431. IF = 2.651
  78. Andrey A. Toropov, Alla P. Toropova, Emilio Benfenati, Giuseppina Gini, Tomasz Puzyn, Danuta Leszczyńska, Jerzy Leszczyński, Novel application of the CORAL software to model cytotoxicity of metal oxide nanoparticles to bacteria Escherichia coli, Chemosphere. - 2012, Vol. 89, no. 9, s. 1098-1102. IF = 3.206
  79. Innocent C. Nnorom, Grażyna Jarzyńska, Jerzy Falandysz, Małgorzata Drewnowska, I. Okoye, C. G. Oji-Nnorom, Occurrence and accumulation of mercury in two species of wild grown Pleurotus mushrooms from Southeastern Nigeria, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 84 (2012) 78-83. IF = 2.294
  80. Magdalena Wysocka, Adam Lesner, Jadwiga Popow, Monika Łęgowska, Krzysztof Rolka, Pegylated fluorescent peptides as substrates of proteolytic enzymes, Protein and Peptide Letters. 19 (2012) 1237-1244. IF = 1.942
  81. Małgorzata Szeląg, Monika Wojciechowska, Magdalena Alenowicz, Jakub Malcher, Krzysztof Sikorski, Jarosław Ruczyński, Piotr Rekowski, Joanna Wesoły, Hans Bluyssen, Peptide Nucleic Acids (PNAs) - potential STAT1-specific inhibitors as a novel strategy to treat atherosclerosis, Acta Biochimica Polonica 59 (2012) 72. IF = 1.491
  82. Beata Łubkowska, Beata Grobelna, Zbigniew Maćkiewicz, Peptides as a new ingredients in cosmetic products, Acta Biochimica Polonica. 59 (2012) 182. IF = 1.491
  83. Piotr Storoniak, Janusz Rak, Yeon Jae Ko, Haopeng Wang, Kit H. Bowen, Photoelectron spectroscopy and computational modeling of thymidine homodimer anions, Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 116 (2012) 13975-13981. IF = 3.696
  84. Yeon Jae Ko, Piotr Storoniak, Haopeng Wang, Kit H. Bowen, Janusz Rak, Photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory studies on the uridine homodimer radical anions, Journal of Chemical Physics. 137 (2012) art. nr 205101. IF = 3.333
  85. Dagmara Strumińska-Parulska, Bogdan Skwarzec, Magdalena Pawlukowska, Plutonium fractionation in southern Baltic Sea sediments, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 48 (2012) 526-542. IF = 0.900
  86. Alicja Boryło, Waldemar Nowicki, Grzegorz Olszewski, Bogdan Skwarzec, Polonium (210Po), uranium (234U, 238U) isotopes and trace metals in mosses from Sobieszewo Island, northern Poland, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A : Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 47 (2012) 1831-1842. IF = 1.190
  87. Bogdan Skwarzec, Dagmara I. Strumińska-Parulska, Alicja Boryło, Krzysztof Kabat, Polonium, uranium and plutonium radionuclides in aquatic and land ecosystem of Poland, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A : Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 47 (2012) 479-496. IF = 1.190
  88. Sławomir Piliszek, Agata J. Wilczyńska-Piliszek, Jerzy Falandysz, Prediction of subcooled vapor pressures (log PL) of 399 polychlorinated trans-azoxybenzenes by using the QSPR and ANN approach, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 47 (2012) 450-462. IF = 1.190
  89. Elżbieta Jankowska, Piotr Stefanowicz, Marta Sosnowska, Przemysław Karpowicz, Karolina Radziszewska, Zbigniew Szewczuk, Aneta Szymańska, Pressure as a denaturing agent in studies of single-point mutants of an amyloidogenic protein human cystatin C, Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioformatics 80 (2012) 2417-2425. IF = 3.392
  90. Agata J. Wilczyńska-Piliszek, Sławomir Piliszek, Jerzy Falandysz, QSAR and ANN for the estimation of water solubility of 209 polychlorinated trans-azobenzenes, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A : Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 47 (2012) 155-166. IF = 1.190
  91. Agata J. Wilczyńska-Piliszek, Sławomir Piliszek, Jerzy Falandysz, QSPR for prediction of subcooled vapor pressures (log PL) of polychlorinated trans-azobenzenes, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B : Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. 47 (2012) 660-669. IF = 0.886
  92. Agata J. Wilczyńska-Piliszek, Sławomir Piliszek, Jerzy Falandysz, QSPR models for prediction of the soil sorption coefficient (log KOC) values of 209 polychlorinated trans-azobenzenes (PCt-ABs), Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 47 (2012) 441-449. IF = 1.190
  93. Agnieszka Żylicz-Stachula, Olga Żołnierkiewicz, Arvydas Lubys, Danute Ramanauskaite, Goda Mitkaite, Janusz M. Bujnicki, Piotr M. Skowron, Related bifunctional restriction endonucleasemethyltransferase triplets : TspDTI, Tth111II/ TthHB27I and TsoI with distinct specificities, BMC Molecular Biology, 13 (2012) art. nr 13. IF = 2.857
  94. Yun Deng, Pascale Besse-Hoggan, Pascale Husson, Martine Sancelme, Anne-Marie Delort, Piotr Stepnowski, Monika Paszkiewicz, Marek Gołębiowski, Margarida F. Costa Gomes, Relevant parameters for assessing the environmental impact of some pyridinium, ammonium and pyrrolidinium based ionic liquids, Chemosphere. 89 (2012) 327-333. IF = 3.206
  95. Ewa Gołaś, Gia G. Maisuradze, Patric Senet, Stanisław Ołdziej, Cezary Czaplewski, Harold A. Scheraga, Adam Liwo, Simulation of the opening and closing of Hsp70 chaperones by coarse-grained molecular dynamics, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 8 (2012) 1750-1764. IF = 5.215
  96. Natalia Migowska, Magda Caban, Piotr Stepnowski, Jolanta Kumirska, Simultaneous analysis of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and estrogenic hormones in water and wastewater samples using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography with electron capture detection, Science of the Total Environment 441 (2012) 77-88. IF = 3.286
  97. Wojciech Mrozik, Alicja Kotłowska, Wojciech Kamysz, Piotr Stepnowski, Sorption of ionic liquids onto soils: experimental and chemometric studies, Chemosphere. 88 (2012) 1202-1207. IF = 3.206
  98. Iwona Świerszcz, Piotr Skurski, Stable anions formed by organic molecules substituted with superhalogen functional groups, Chemical Physics Letters 537 (2012) 27-32. IF = 2.337
  99. Andrej Perdih, Amrita Roy Choudhury, Špela Župerl, Emilia Sikorska, Igor Zhukov, Tom Solmajer, Marjana Novič, Structural analysis of a peptide fragment of transmembrane transporter protein bilitranslocase, PLoS One, 7 (2012) 38967. IF = 4.092
  100. Attila Borics, Katarzyna Gach, Jakub Fichna, Dariusz Sobolewski, Géza Toth, Anna Janecka, Structural comparison of endomorphin-2 and its conformationally restricted analog Tyr-Pro-Phe-Phe-NH2, Central European Journal of Chemistry 10 (2012) 172-179. IF = 1.073
  101. Edyta Podstawka-Proniewicz, Dariusz Sobolewski, Adam Prahl, Younkyoo Kim, Leonard M. Proniewicz, Structure and conformation of Arg8 vasopressin modified analogs, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 43 (2012) 51-60. IF = 3.087
  102. Monika Kuźma, Beatrice Clack, Jennifer Edwards, Robert Tylingo, Justyna Samaszko, Janusz Madaj, Structure and properties of the exopolysaccharides produced by Pseudomonas mutabilis T6 and P. mutabilis ATCC 31014, Carbohydrate Research. 348 (2012) 84-90. IF = 2.332
  103. Emilia Iłowska, Jakub Barciszewski, Mariusz Jaskólski, Aneta Szymańska, Studies of steric zipper motif in human cystatin C sequence, Acta Biochimica Polonica 59 (2012) 180. IF = 1.491
  104. Andrzej Nowacki, Karol Sikora, Barbara Dmochowska, Andrzej Wiśniewski, Studies of the formation of N-substituted pyridinium mesylates: a theoretical approach, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1000 (2012) 33-41. IF = 1.228
  105. Magdalena Kalińska, Tomasz Kantyka, Doron C. Greenbaum, Katrine S. Larsen, Benedykt Władyka, Abeer Jabaiah, Matthew Bogyo, Patrick S. Daugherty, Magdalena Wysocka, Marcelina Jaros, Adam Lesner, Krzysztof Rolka, Norbert Schaschke, Henning Stennicke, Adam Dubin, Jan Potempa, Grzegorz Dubin, Substrate specificity of Staphylococcus aureus cysteine proteases - Staphopains A, B and C, Biochimie. 94 (2012) 318-327. IF = 3.022
  106. Anna Białk-Bielińska, Joanna Maszkowska, Wojciech Mrozik, Agata Bielawska, Marta Kołodziejska, Richard Palavinskas, Piotr Stepnowski, Jolanta Kumirska, Sulfadimethoxine and sulfaguanidine: Their sorption potential on natural soils, Chemosphere 86 (2012) 1059-1065. IF = 3.206
  107. Ewa Gorodkiewicz, Marcin Sieńczyk, Elżbieta Regulska, Renata Grzywa, Ewa Pietrusewicz, Adam Lesner, Zenon Łukaszewski, Surface plasmon resonance imaging biosensor for cathepsin G based on a potent inhibitor : development and applications, Analytical Biochemistry 423 (2012) 218-223. IF = 2.996
  108. Simeonika Rangełowa-Jankowska, Dawid Jankowski, Robert Bogdanowicz, Beata Grobelna, Piotr Bojarski, Surface plasmon-coupled emission of Rhodamine 110 aggregates in a silica nanolayer, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3 (2012) 3626-3631. IF = 6.213
  109. Elżbieta Kamysz, Emilia Sikorska, Anna Karafova, Małgorzata Dawgul, Synthesis, biological activity and conformational analysis of head-to-tail cyclic analogues of LL37 and histatin 5, Journal of Peptide Science. 18 (2012) 560-566. IF = 1.799
  110. Katarzyna Gobis, Henryk Foks, Katarzyna Wiśniewska, Maria Dąbrowska-Szponar, Ewa Augustynowicz-Kopeć, Agnieszka Napiórkowska, Artur Sikorski, Synthesis, structure, and antimicrobial activity of heterocyclic phenylsulfonyl- and 4-aminophenylsulfonyl-carboximidamides, Monatshefte für Chemie 143 (2012) 1161-1169. IF = 1.532
  111. Magdalena Gucia, Grażyna Jarzyńska, Anna K. Kojta, Jerzy Falandysz, Temporal variability in 20 chemical elements content of Parasol Mushroom (Macrolepiota procera) collected from two sites over a few years, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. 47 (2012) 81-88. IF = 0.886
  112. Sławomir Piliszek, Agata J. Wilczyńska-Piliszek, Jerzy Falandysz, The aqueous solubility of some herbicidal by-side toxic impurities : predicted data of the 399 chlorinated trans-azoxybenzene congeners, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. 47 (2012) 275-287. IF = 0.886
  113. Łukasz P. Haliński, Monika Paszkiewicz, Marek Gołębiowski, Piotr Stepnowski, The chemical composition of cuticular waxes from leaves of the gboma eggplant (Solanum macrocarpon L.), Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 25 (2012). 74-78. IF = 2.079
  114. Marek Gołębiowski, Mieczysława I. Boguś, Monika Paszkiewicz, Wioletta Wieloch, Emilia Włóka, Piotr Stepnowski, The composition of the cuticular and internal free fatty acids and alcohols from Lucilia sericata males and females, Lipids 47 (2012) 613-622. IF = 2.129
  115. Beata Łubkowska, Beata Grobelna, Zbigniew Maćkiewicz, The Franz Diffusion Chamber - the equipment that measures permeation through membranes, Acta Biochimica Polonica 59 (2012) 183. IF = 1.491
  116. Dagmara Strumińska-Parulska, Bogdan Skwarzec, Agnieszka Tuszkowska, The inflow of 238Pu and 239+240Pu from the Odra and Pomeranian rivers catchments area to the Baltic Sea, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 113 (2012) 63-70. IF = 1.339
  117. Mojca Jurišewič, Margareta Vrtačnik, Marek Kwiatkowski, Nataša Gros, The interplay of students' motivational orientations, their chemistry achievements and their perception of learning within the hands-on approach to visible spectrometry, Chemistry Education Research and Practice, dokument elektroniczny 13 (2012) 237-247. IF = 0.855
  118. Beata Grobelna, Anna Synak, Piotr Bojarski, The luminescence properties of dysprosium ions in silica xerogel doped with Gd1.6Dy0.4(WO4)3, Optica Applicata. 42 (2012) 337-344. IF = 0.398
  119. Christine Levesque, Martin Fugere, Anna Kwiatkowska, Frédéric Couture, Roxane Desjardins, Sophie Routhier, Philippe Moussette, Adam Prahl, Bernard Lammek, Jon R. Appel, Richard A. Houghten, François D’Anjou, Yves Dory, Witold Neugebauer, Robert Day, The multi-Leu peptide inhibitor discriminates between PACE4 and furin and exhibits antiproliferative effects on prostate cancer cells, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 55 (2012) 10501-10511. IF = 5.248
  120. Alicja Boryło, Bogdan Skwarzec, Grzegorz Olszewski, The radiochemical contamination (210Po and 238U) of zone around phosphogypsum waste heap in Wilinka (northern Poland), Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A : Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 47 (2012) 675-687. IF = 1.190
  121. Celina Sikorska, Piotr Skurski, The saturation of the excess electron binding energy in AlnF-3n+1 (n = 1-5) anions, Chemical Physics Letters 536 (2012) 34-38. IF = 2.337
  122. Dan Zhang, Xuedan Zeng, Pei Ma, Haijiang He, Jerzy Falandysz, The sorption of Cd(II) from aqueous solutions by fixed Lentinus edodes mushroom flesh particles, Desalination and Water Treatment 46 (2012) 21-31. IF = 0.614
  123. Christian Theilacker, Otto Holst, Buko Lindner, Johannes Huebner, Zbigniew Kaczyński, The structure of the wall teichoic acid isolated from Enterococcus faecalis strain 12030, Carbohydrate Research 354 (2012) 106-109. IF = 2.332
  124. Andrzej Nowacki, Barbara Dmochowska, Karol Sikora, Janusz Madaj, Andrzej Wiśniewski. Theoretical studies of the formation of quaternary pyridinium mesylates, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 986 (2012) 85-92. IF = 1.228
  125. Dagmara Jacewicz, Dariusz Wyrzykowski, Krzysztof Żamojć, Diana Czerwińska, Paulina Czaja, Lech Chmurzyński, Thermal properties of potassium bis(oxalato)diaquochromates(III) in solid state. Trans-cis isomerization of the [Cr(C2O4)2(OH2)2]- complex ion in aqueous solutions, Structural Chemistry 23 (2012) 333-340. IF = 1.846
  126. Magdalena Wysocka, Adam Lesner, Natalia Gruba, Brice Korkmaz, Francis Gauthier, Mizuki Kitamatsu, Anna Łęgowska, Krzysztof Rolka, Three wavelength substrate system of neutrophil serine proteinases, Analytical Chemistry 84 (2012) 7241-7248. IF = 5.856
  127. Dawid Maćkiewicz, Jerzy Falandysz, Total mercury in Yellow Knights (Tricholoma equestre) mushrooms and beneath soils, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 89 (2012) 755-758. IF = 1.018
  128. Emil Sobolewski, Stanisław Ołdziej, Marta Wiśniewska, Adam Liwo, Mariusz Makowski, Toward temperature-dependent coarse-grained potentials of side-chain interactions for protein folding simulations. II. Molecular dynamics study of pairs of different types of interactions in water at various temperatures, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116 (2012) 6844-6853. IF = 3.696
  129. Celina Sikorska, Piotr Skurski, Towards an understanding of the nature of superhalogen anions : an ab initio study of the Al(C6F5)-4 system, Molecular Physics 110 (2012) 1447-1452. IF = 1.819
  130. Joanna Szubstarska, Grażyna Jarzyńska, Jerzy Falandysz, Trace elements in Variegated Bolete (Suillus variegatus) fungi, Chemical Papers 66 (2012) 1026-1031. IF = 1.096
  131. Grażyna Jarzyńska, Jerzy Falandysz, Trace elements profile of Slate Bolete (Leccinum duriusculum) mushroom and associated upper soil horizon, Journal of Geochemical Exploration 121 (2012) 69-75. IF = 1.440
  132. Edyta Biskup, Marek Gołębiowski, Robert Gniadecki, Piotr Stepnowski, Ewa Łojkowska, Triterpenoid .-amyrin stimulates proliferation of human keratinocytes but does not protect them against UVB damage, Acta Biochimica Polonica 59 (2012) 255-260. IF = 1.491
  133. Jacek Turyn, Adriana Mika, Piotr Stepnowski, Julian Świerczyński, Unusual increase of Scd1 and Elovl6 expression in rat inguinal adipose tissue, Central European Journal of Biology, 7 (2012) 192-200. IF = 1.000
  134. Agata J. Wilczyńska-Piliszek, Sławomir Piliszek, Jerzy Falandysz, Use of quantitative-structure property relationship (QSPR) and artificial neural network (ANN) based approaches for estimating the octanol-water partition coefficients of the 209 chlorinated trans-azobenzene congeners, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes 47 (2012) 111-128. IF = 0.886
  135. Marzena Marchaj, Sylwia Freza, Piotr Skurski, Why are SiX5- and GeX5- (X = F, Cl) stable but not CF5- and CCl5-?, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116 (2012) 1966-1973. IF = 2.946


Publikacje w czasopismach spoza listy filadelfijskiej w 2012 roku

  1. Beata Maria Liberek, Konformacja pierścienia monosacharydowego, Wiadomości Chemiczne 1/2 (2012) 67-92.
  2. Beata Dorota Grobelna, Zbigniew Wiesław Maćkiewicz, Beata Łubkowska, Przenikanie składników aktywnych przez skórę, Polish Journal of Cosmetology 15 (2012) 33-38
  3. Katarzyna Anna Guzow, Irena Anna Bylińska, Metody syntezy pochodnych organicznych zawierających wiązanie potrójne wegiel-węgiel, Wiadomości Chemiczne 9/10 (2012) 935-961.